Schematic illustration of PA-like artifacts yielded from in-source fragmentation of sodium adduct of PE and PS species in MALDI-MSI. (A) and (B) are the post-source decay fragmentation spectra of sodiated 16:0/18:1 PE (m/z 740.5) and di16:0 PS (m/z 758.5) showing the predominant headgroup-related fragment ions resulted from the neutral loss of a portion of their each headgroup (i.e., possible vinylamine (m/z 43) and serine (m/z 87)), respectively. (Reprinted from ref. (Stübiger, Pittenauer, & Allmaier, 2008) with permission from the American Chemical Society, Copyright 2008). (C) Representative scheme of PA-like artifacts resulted from in-source fragmentation of sodiated PE and PS species in MALDI-MSI. PA, PE, and PS denote phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine, respectively.