Spatial topography of word- and face-selective iEEG electrodes. A, Heat map of electrode coverage (both category-selective and nonselective) across 36 iEEG participants. Electrodes below the inferior temporal sulcus and anterior to the posterior edge of the fusiform gyrus on the participant's native space were considered VTC. There was a greater proportion of left hemisphere coverage relative to right hemisphere coverage. B, Electrodes that responded preferentially to words, faces, or houses and could significantly discriminate these stimuli from all others using six-way Naive Bayes classification (p < 0.05, Bonferroni-corrected within participant). House-selective electrodes are primarily medial to word- and face-selective electrodes. Multiple adjoining word- and face-selective patches are found along the mediolateral axis of VTC, bilaterally. Stereotactic EEG electrodes have been brought to the ventral surface for clarity.