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[Preprint]. 2021 Jul 13:2021.07.09.21260221. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2021.07.09.21260221

Figure 1. Association analyses within the chr12q24.13 region in relation to COVID-19 outcomes in patients of European ancestry.

Figure 1.

a) Association analyses in 601 patients with non-hospitalized (mild) compared to 954 patients with hospitalized COVID-19. b) Variants included in SuSie 95% credible sets and their posterior inclusion probabilities (PIP); two 95% credible sets were identified with a threshold of an average correlation between all variables >0.9. c) Association analyses in 601 patients with non-hospitalized (mild) compared to 566 patients with hospitalized severe COVID-19. d) LD plot (r2) in the total set of 1555 patients with COVID-19 and location of OAS1, OAS3, and OAS2 reference transcripts. Blue shading indicates the 32Kb LD block (hg38: chr12:112912991-112945172) that includes 135 variants in r2>0.8 with the lead rs10774671; 125 of these variants form only two common haplotypes – risk and non-risk. The Neandertal-introgressed genomic fragment of 97 Kb is marked based on previously reported variants7. e) Analysis of haplotypes including four core variants tagging the Neandertal haplotype and extended haplotypes additionally including three variants associated with severe COVID-19. Full association results for individual variants and haplotypes are provided in Table S1.