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. 2021 Jul 19;59(8):e01549-19. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01549-19


Roles of the medical microbiologist

Role Valuesa
Clinical consultation Provides guidance on test selection and appropriate specimen collection
Assists with interpretation of test and antimicrobial susceptibility results
Scientific oversight and vision Monitors developments in the field to ensure that laboratory testing meets current needs (e.g., emergence of novel antimicrobial resistance factors, syndromes and/or pathogens)
Test evaluation, verification, implementation, and oversight Evaluates and verifies clinical utility and performance of FDA cleared/approved laboratory tests in the local setting
Establishes impact of testing options and algorithms on patient care
Ensures that test results are reported in an accurate and clear manner, with addition of appropriate interpretative guidance as applicable
Ensures cost effective selection and implementation of tests
Creates protocols for laboratory testing practices
Develops test menus and guidelines for optimal laboratory test utilization in collaboration with clinical colleagues
Establishes and monitors quality indicators to ensure maintenance of test performance standards after implementation
Selects and evaluates external laboratories to which specimens are referred for testing
Monitors referral lab testing to ensure appropriate use
Test modification, development and validation Validates performance of off-label usage of FDA-approved/cleared assays
Develops and validates laboratory developed tests as required to support the populations served by the laboratory
Regulatory and administrative oversight Ensures compliance with regulatory/accrediting bodies (e.g., CMS, Joint Commission, CAP)
Establishes and enforces safe laboratory practices
Complies with institutional guidelines (e.g., Institutional Review Board, Biosafety committee)
Institutional leadership Represents the laboratory on institutional committees, including infection prevention and control, and antimicrobial stewardship
Serves on ad hoc committees in outbreak settings (e.g., outbreaks of Ebola virus infection, pandemic influenza)
Education Trains residents and fellows from pathology, infectious diseases, pharmacy and other relevant specialties in the field of clinical microbiology
Provides education to physicians, nurses and allied health staff on appropriate specimen collection, test utilization and interpretation
Communicates test updates to the local healthcare system
Research Participates in clinically relevant research; examples may include (i) evaluating test performance in comparative and outcome studies, (ii) assessing cost-benefit and clinical impact of testing protocols, and (iii) contributing to the development of best-practice guidelines

CAP, College of American Pathologists; CMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; CLIA, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments; FDA, United States Food and Drug Administration.