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Table 3.

Radiomics and artificial intelligence (AI) studies in treatment response

References Imaging modality Major end point N (training + test cohorts) Number of features in the model Evaluation metric Analytical method used Study description Validation type
Trebeschi et al. 2019 CT Response to immunotherapy 133 + 70 2 AUC = 0.83,
P < 0.001
Machine learning Identifying radiomic biomarkers for immunotherapy response Internal validation with a separate data set
Sun et al. 2018 CT Response to immunotherapy 135 + 256 8 AUC = 0.76 Machine learning Identifying radiomic markers to assess tumor infiltrating CD8 cells and immunotherapy response External validation
Tunali et al. 2019a CT Rapid disease progression 228 4 radiomic + 4 clinical AUC = 0.804 Logistic regression Identifying rapid disease progression phenotypes in patients treated with immunotherapy Internal validation with bootstrapping
Tunali et al. 2019c CT Response to immunotherapy 180 + 90 + 58 1 radiomic + 2 clinical Log-rank
P < 0.001
Classification and regression tree Identifying survival risk groups for patients treated with immunotherapy External validation
Mu et al. 2019a FDG-PET/CT Response to immunotherapy 194 + 47 + 48 8 AUC = 0.81 LASSO Predicting durable clinical benefit from immunotherapy Internal validation with a separate data set
Cook et al. 2015 FDG-PET Response to Erlotinib 47 1 delta radiomica P = 0.01 Wilcoxon signed-rank test Identifying baseline radiomic biomarkers and delta-radiomic biomarkers of treatment response and OS of patients treated with EGFR TKI No validation
Ravanelli et al. 2018 CT Response to Erlotinib 50 5 AUC = 0.8 LASSO Determining high- and low-risk groups of patients treated with EGFR TKI Cross-validation and bootstrapping
Park et al. 2018 FDG-PET/CT Response to Erlotinib 161 + 21 8 univariable features C-index range = 0.630–0.669 Harrell's C-index Determining overall survival risk groups of patients treated with EGFR TKI Internal validation with a separate data set
Coroller et al. 2017 CT pCR 85 1 AUC = 0.75,
P = 0.01
Random forest Predicting pathological response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation No validation
Yu et al. 2018 CT Response to surgery or SABR 147 + 295 2 HR = 1.27,
P < 2 × 10−16
Random survival forests Predicting OS of stage I NSCLC patients Internal validation with a separate data set
Mattonen et al. 2016 CT Local recurrence 45 5 FPR = 24.0%, FNR = 23.1% Machine learning Assess physician ability to detect timely local recurrence and to compare physician performance with a radiomics tool No validation
Khorrami et al. 2019 CT OS and TTP 72 + 53 7 AUC = 0.77 Minimum redundancy, maximum relevance Discriminative ability of radiomic features on response to chemotherapy Internal validation with a separate data set
Fave et al. 2017 CT Local recurrence 107 1 delta radiomica Log-rank P-value = 0.269,
C-index = 0.558
Cox proportional hazards regression Assessing radiation therapy response by using delta radiomics No validation

(HR) Hazard ratio, (OS) overall survival, (EGFR) Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, (ANN) artificial neural network, (FPR) false positive rate, (FNR) false negative rate, (TTP) time-to-progression, (AUC) area under the curve, (pCR) pathological complete response, (SABR) stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, (LASSO) least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, (NSCLC) non-small-cell lung cancer.

aDelta-radiomics is the difference in radiomic features between multiple scans.