(a) Water fall plot of TERS recorded during tip-approach
and retraction
over Si(111)-7 × 7 (10 K, Vbias =
0 V, λext = 633 nm, Pext = 0.7 mW/μm2). The left panel shows the simultaneously
recorded ISTM–Δz curve. Although the Vbias is nominally
set to zero, the current occurs due to the photovoltage under illumination.
The red shaded region indicates the APC. The top and bottom panels
display the TERS spectra in the tunneling and contact regimes, respectively.
(b) TERS spectra obtained for 11 different APCs (red) recorded for
different location (UHUCs) and different tip conditions. The black
one shows the averaged spectrum. The spectra are normalized to its
area from range of Raman shift 0–500 cm–1.