(A) Diagram showing two previously described skeletal stem cell (SSC) populations and the downstream populations they generate, which were defined by the specific expression patterns of cell surface proteins. Top: SSC lineage tree of the osteochondral SSC (ocSSC) that gives rise to bone, cartilage, and stromal populations. Bottom: the lineage tree of the perivascular SSC (pvSSC) able to give rise to bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, and stromal populations. BCSP: bone cartilage stroma progenitor; CP: cartilage progenitor; APC: adipogenic progenitor cell; Pre-Ad.: pre-adipocyte; OPC: osteochondrogenic progenitor cell. (B) Representative flow cytometric gating strategy for the isolation of ocSSCs (top) and pvSSCs (bottom). (C) Representative confocal microscopy images of in vivo derived single-color clonal colonies of renal capsule-transplanted purified ocSSCs (left) and pvSSCs (right) derived from Actin-CreERt Rainbow mice. Three independent transplants per cell type under renal capsules were performed. (D) Renal capsule transplant-derived ossicles of purified GFP-labeled ocSSCs (top) and pvSSCs (bottom). Images show the photograph of the kidney with transplant (top left) and GFP signal of graft tissue (bottom left) as well as Movat pentachrome cross-section staining (right). (E) Quantification of ocSSC (top) and pvSSC (bottom) graft composition. Results of three separate experiments with n = 3 per SSC type. All data are shown as mean ± SEM. (F) Representative images of staining of clonally derived cultures that underwent tri-lineage differentiation assays in vitro. Alcian blue (chondrogenesis), Alizarin red S (osteogenesis), and oil red O (adipogenesis) stainings are shown along with the number of clones that stained positive for each differentiation type (ocSSC n = 7; pvSSC n = 8 clones). (G) Representative immunohistochemistry images for GFP (green) and perilipin (red) of tissue derived from intratibially transplanted purified GFP-labeled ocSSCs (top) and pvSSCs (bottom) 2 weeks after injection. White arrowheads: GFP+Perilipin+ cells. TB: trabecular bone. Three separate experiments with ocSSC n = 3 and pvSSC n = 4. Scale bars, 30 µm.