(A) Schematic illustration of the human hepatoblast differentiation experiment. Human hepatoblasts were cultured for 24 hours prior to exposure to E2 (1μM, 2 μM) or PHTPP (100nM, 250nM) for 48 hours. The culture was allowed to grow for another 72 hours before immunofluorescent analysis labeling CK7 (BEC) and Albumin (hepatocyte). (B) Representative images of cells after immunofluorescence marking hepatocytes (Albumin), BEC (CK7), and DNA (Hoechst). Quantification of Albumin+ (C), CK7+ (D), and Hoechst+ (E) cells in E2 or PHTPP treated hepatoblasts relative to DMSO treated controls. ****p<0.0001, one-way ANOVA. All values represent mean ± SEM, scale bar = 100 μm.