Path model examining mothers’ and fathers’ reports of destructive conflict and intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization from their partner at 15 months as predictors of child emotional insecurity and child behavior problems at 36 months.
Note. The first coefficient is for the full sample (married, cohabiting and churning couples combined), the second coefficient is for married couples only, the third coefficient is for cohabiting couples only, and the last coefficient is for churning couples only. Parameter estimates are unstandardized path coefficients. Study variables were regressed on a full set of control variables, including mother’s age, father’s age, number of biological children, couple’s ethnicity and race, couple’s education level, BSF treatment status, child sex, mother’s depressive symptoms, and fathers’ depressive symptoms. Model fit for the multigroup model for married, cohabiting, and churning couples: χ2(30) = 60.48, p = .001, RMSEA = .03, CFI = .99. BSF = Building Strong Families. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.