Figure 1. Association between PTSD (PCL-5 scores) and normal cognitive functioning (MoCA scores ≥ 25) among Latino and Asian older adults.
Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios for the association between PCL-5 and MoCA scores. Two-sided tests at α = .05 were used for statistical significance.
Model 1 presents the unadjusted association (crude odds ratio) between PTSD (PCL-5 scores) and normal cognitive functioning (MoCA scores ≥ 25).
Model 2 presents the adjusted association between PTSD and normal cognitive functioning controlling for age, gender, educational attainment and self-reported physical health.
Model 3 tested whether sleep difficulty moderated the association between PTSD and normal cognitive functioning by adding to Model 2 daytime sleepiness and its two-way interaction with PTSD.