Fig 3. Pyrethrum responses of four D. melanogaster odorant receptors in the ab3A empty neuron system.
(A) Representative SSR traces showing responses to pyrethrum at 30 μL of the 10−1 dilution (v v-1) of Or42b, Or59b, Or7a, and Or98a expressed in the ab3A empty neuron (ab3: Δhalo/Δhalo; Or22a-Gal4/UAS-Orx). (B) Responses to pyrethrum at 30 μL of the 10−1 dilution (v v-1) of ab3A neurons expressing Or7a (t = -9.84, d.f. = 10, ***P < 0.001 compared to control, t-test, n = 6), Or42b (U = 0.0, **P < 0.01 compared to control, Mann-Whitney rank sum test, n = 6), Or59b (t = -5.47, d.f. = 12, ***P < 0.001 compared to control, t-test, n = 8 for control, and n = 6 for pyrethrum) and Or98a (t = -5.35, d.f. = 8, ***P < 0.001 compared to control, t-test, n = 6 for control, and n = 4 for pyrethrum).