Dose optimization of lead inhibitors identified from the screen for enhancing transgene expression in UMUC3 cells. A second plasmid, pGL3, which expresses luciferase protein under the control of the SV40 promoter was evaluated; the original screening plasmid (pEF-Luc) was also included. N-RDGE was used for delivering plasmid DNA. Transgene expression efficacies are reported normalized to the vehicle control (0.2% DMSO + polyplex and indicated by “0” on x-axis, normalized to 1 on the y-axis). Cell viability, as measured using the MTT assay, is plotted on the secondary axes (dashed lines). * indicates p-value < 0.05, as determined using Student’s T-test, each condition relative to vehicle control + polyplex formed with same plasmid. ^ p=0.05