Shown are the Fiji menu steps to open an image for path tracing (e.g., a CA1 pyramidal neuron; Bannister and Larkman, 1995). B. Displayed are the menu steps to convert the image into a binary image. C. Presented are the menu steps to run the Simple Neurite Tracer plugin. D. Shown are the Simple Neurite Tracer steps to load the open image for tracing. E. Presented is a representative Simple Neurite Tracer console that shows one path in blue (middle), with the options to finish the path and continue tracing on the console (left), and the path manager, with all the traces that correspond to the different parcels of the original image (right). F. Shown are the menu steps to run the Hull And Circle plugin for the dendrites located in the parcel of interest (e.g., CA1 stratum oriens; green box) for the convex hull measurement. G. The Hull And Circle toolbox (left) is used to scan the current image, where the image with the delimited area is shown in green and the bottom panel shows the emerging results window.