Figure 3.
Analysis of haemorrhoidal disease (HEM) genetically correlated traits in UK Biobank (UKBB) and the Danish National Patient Registry (DNPR). Traits and conditions identified in linkage disequilibrium score regression analyses of genetic correlation with HEM (outer ring in the circos plot, see also figure 2 and online supplemental table 6) were studied for their differential prevalence in UKBB and DNPR, based on data extracted from participants’ healthcare records. Significant results are reported, respectively, as ORs (log(OR), UKBB, middle ring) and relative risk (log(RR), DNPR, inner ring) or ‘ns’ (for non-significant findings). Diseases and traits are categorised according to ICD10 diagnostic codes or self-reported conditions and use of medications from questionnaire data (see online methods). Self-reported traits in UKBB (dark blue colour) were manually mapped to ICD10-codes in DNPR.