Network analysis based on Pearson correlations (left panel) and partial correlations (right panel) between three aspects of psychometric intelligence (BIS-Capacity, BIS-Speed, and BIS-Memory), sustained attention, selective attention, and speed of decision making, as well as three variables representing basic speed in the three experimental tasks. Green and red edges indicate positive and negative relationships, respectively. Only the (partial) correlations that reached statistical significance (p < .05) are presented. Abbreviations: Cap = BIS-Capacity; Mem = BIS-Memory; Spd = BIS-Speed; CPT = factor scores of the latent variable with increasing factor loadings from the continuous performance test (sustained attention); FLA = factor scores of the latent variable with increasing factor loadings from the flanker task (selective attention); HIC = factor scores of the latent variable with increasing factor loadings from the Hick task (speed of decision making); C_C, C_F and C_H = factor scores of the latent variables with constant factor loadings from the CPT (C_C), the flanker task (C_F), and the Hick task (C_H).