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. 2021 Jun 16;48(4):413–439. doi: 10.3233/NRE-210026

Table 2.

Reliability and Measurement Error (n = 11 articles; 28 protocols)

First Author, Year Walk Test Level of Gait Speed Deficit (m/s) Walk Test Protocol Re-test Time Interval N Test-Retest Reliability ICC (95% CI) Unless Otherwise Stated Measurement Error COSMIN Quality Score
TD, AD, DD Practice Trials, Test Trials, Position of Rater, Timing Tool Pace, Walking Aids Allowed, Assistance Allowed
Acute (<1 mo)
Isho, 2016 10 mWT CGS: median 0.79 (range 0.23–1.04) 15 m, 2.5m, 2.5m 0 practice, 1 test trial, NR, stopwatch Comfortable (barefoot), yes, no Within-session 15 0.95 (0.86–0.98) - Adequate
Acute (<1 mo) and subacute (1–6 mo)
English, 2007 5 mWT CGS: individual therapy 0.37±0.40; circuit class therapy 0.41±0.43 10 m, 3m, 2m 0 practice,1 1 test trial, behind, stopwatch Comfortable, yes, no N/A, video-taped trials re-scored 10 Intra-R: 1.00 (NR) - Adequate
Fulk, 2008 5 mWT CGS: 0.45±0.30 9 m, 2 m, 2 m 0 practice, 1 test trial, Comfortable, yes, yes4 1–3d 35, All Subjects 0.86 (0.68–0.94) MDC90 = 0.30m/s MDC90 = 0.26m/s 2 Very Good
CGS: 0.26±0.18 NR, stopwatch 13, Require physical assistance 0.97 (0.91–0.99) MDC90 = 0.07m/s MDC90 = 0.12m/s 2
CGS: 0.56±0.30 22, no physical assistance 0.80 (0.41–0.93) MDC90 = 0.36m/s MDC90 = 0.31m/s 2
CGS: 0.36±0.25 28, Require an assistive device 0.91 (0.71–0.97) MDC90 = 0.18m/s MDC90 = 0.17m/s 2
Subacute (1–6 mo)
Lam, 2010 6 mWT CGS: 0.46±0.29 10 m, 2 m, 2 m 1 practice (day before), Comfortable, yes, no Within session (10 min) 45 Intra-R: 0.99 (p = 0.00) - Adequate
(0.06–1.14)2 first trial1 1 test trial, NR, stopwatch 1d (same time) 45 Inter-R: 0.99 (p = 0.00) MDC90 = 0.07m/s 2
Stephens, 1999 6 mWT CGS: 0.75±0.242 10 m, 2 m, 2 m (carpet) 1 practice, 1 test trial, Comfortable, yes, no 1d, same time Note: 5 min 24 0.94 (NR) r = 0.95 (NR) MDC90 = 0.14m/s2 Adequate
CGS: 0.79±0.232 (parquetry) beside, stopwatch Comfortable, yes, no rest between 4 trials 24 0.97 (NR) r = 0.97 (NR) MDC90 = 0.09m/s2
FGS: 1.08±0.372 (carpet) Maximum, yes, no completed in random 24 0.95 (NR) r = 0.95 (NR) MDC90 = 0.19m/s2
FGS: 1.11±0.422 (parquetry) Maximum, yes, no order 24 0.94 (NR) r = 0.94 (NR) MDC90 = 0.24m/s2
Høyer, 2014 10 mWT FGS: 0.25±0.15 trial 1 : 13 m, 3 m, 0 m trial 2 : 10, 0 m, 0 m 0 practice, 1 test trial, behind, stopwatch Maximum, no7, yes5 Within session 21, Baseline 0.96 (NR) MDC90 = 0.07m/s2 MDC95 = 0.09 m/s Adequate
Subacute (1–6 mo) and chronic (>6 mo)
Høyer, 2014 10 mWT FGS: 0.25±0.15 trial 1 : 13 m, 3 m, 0 m trial 2 : 10, 0 m, 0 m 0 practice, 1 test trial, behind, stopwatch Maximum, no7, yes5 Within session 21, after 11 weeks of gait training 0.99 (NR) MDC90 = 0.07m/s2 MDC95 = 0.08 m/s Adequate
Chronic (>6 mo)
Flansjber, 2005 10 mWT CGS: 0.89±0.3 (0.4–1.4) FGS: 1.3±0.5 (0.5–2.2) 14 m, 2 m, 2 m, 0 practice, 3 test trials, NR, stopwatch Comfortable, yes, no 7d (same time) Mean of 3 trials 50 0.94 (0.90–0.97) MDC90 = 0.17m/s2 SEM (SEM%) = 0.07 m/s (7.9 m/s) SRD% (95% CI) = 22 m/s (–0.15 m/s–0.25 m/s) Very Good
Maximum, yes, no 7d (same time) Mean of 3 trials 50 0.97 (0.95–0.98) MDC90 = 0.20m/s2 SEM (SEM%) = 0.08m/s (5.7 m/s) SRD% (95% CI) = 16 m/s (–0.21 m/s–0.22 m/s)
Faria, 2012 10mWT Not Baseline: CGS 14 m, 2 m, 2 m, 1 practice, 3 test trials, NR, stopwatch Comfortable, yes, no 1st trial: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.94 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.96 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.05 m/s (5.01 m/s) Very Good
Best of 3 trials: 1.1±0.26 Mean of 2 trials: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.87 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.97 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.07 m/s (6.40 m/s)
FGS, Best of 3 trials: 1.4±0.36 Mean of 3 trials: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.95 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.97 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.07 m/s (6.32 m/s)
Best of 3 trials: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.92 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.93 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.06 m/s (5.63 m/s)
Worst of 3 trials:1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.88 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.93 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.07 m/s (6.52 m/s)
Maximum, yes, no 1st trial: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.86 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.91 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.14 m/s (9.86 m/s)
Mean of 2 trials: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.92 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.96 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.14 m/s (9.96 m/s) (Continued)
Mean of 3 trials: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.92 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.97 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.14 m/s (9.62 m/s)
Best of 3 trials: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.84 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.92 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.14 m/s (9.87 m/s)
Worst of 3 trials: 1 min 16 Intra-R: 0.83 (p≤0.001) Inter-R: 0.91 (p≤0.001) SEM (SEM%) = 0.15 m/s (10.68 m/s)
Hiengkaew, 2012 10mWT CGS: 0.51±0.30 (0.11–1.32) 14 m, 2 m, 2 m NR, NR, NR, stopwatch Comfortable, yes, no 5 to 10d, same time 61, All subjects 0.96 (0.92–0.98) MDC90 = 0.14 m/s2 SEM = 0.06 m/s Very Good
CGS: 0.77±0.33 (0.33–0.77) Note: 3–5 min rest between comfortable & 123 PF tone: no ↑ 0.96 (0.86–0.99) MDC90 = 0.15 m/s2 SEM = 0.07 m/s
CGS: 0.47±0.29 (0.11–1.18) maximum trials 323 PF tone: slight ↑ 0.95 (0.89–0.98) MDC90 = 0.15 m/s2 SEM = 0.06 m/s
CGS: 0.39±0.19 (0.17–0.85) 17, MAS≥23 PF tone: marked ↑ 0.95 (0.81–0.99) MDC90 = 0.10 m/s2 SEM = 0.03 m/s
FGS: 0.62±0.40 (0.09–1.40) Maximum, yes, no 61, All Subjects 0.98 (0.97–0.99) MDC90 = 0.13 m/s2 SEM = 0.06 m/s
FGS: 0.97±0.46 (0.46–0.97) 123 PF tone: no ↑ 0.99 (0.97–0.99) MDC90 = 0.11 m/s2 SEM = 0.05 m/s
FGS: 0.56±0.37 (0.10–1.48) 323 PF tone: slight ↑ 0.98 (0.95–0.99) MDC90 = 0.12 m/s2 SEM = 0.05 m/s
FGS: 0.47±0.27 (0.18–1.03) 173 PF tone: marked ↑ 0.99 (0.95–0.99) MDC90 = 0.06 m/s2 SEM = 0.03 m/s
Peters, 2014 3 mWT CGS: 0.27±0.11 3 m, 2 m, 2 m 1 practice, 1 test trial, NR, stopwatch Comfortable, yes, no Within-session rest provided as needed 12, household ambulators 0.97 (0.94–0.99) MDC90 = 0.042 MDC95 = 0.05 SEM = 0.04 Adequate
CGS: 0.52±0.10 24, limited community ambulators 0.91 (0.85–0.94) MDC90 = 0.072 MDC95 = 0.08 SEM = 0.06
CGS: 0.89±0.15 26, community ambulators 0.85 (0.77–0.90) MDC90 = 0.142 MDC95 = 0.16 SEM = 0.12
Acute (<1 mo), subacute (1–6 mo) and chronic (>6 mo)
Cheng, 2020 10 mWT CGS: 0.94±0.36 14 m, 2 m, 2 m 0 practice, 1 test trial, beside and slightly behind, stopwatch Comfortable, yes, yes6 1–3d (same time) 20 0.83 (0.63–0.93) MDC90 = 0.34 MDC95 = 0.40 Very Good

Abbreviations: 10 mWT, 10-metre walk test; 95% confidence interval; 3 mWT, 3-metre walk test; 5 mWT, 5-metre walk test; 6 mWT, 6-metre walk test; AD, acceleration distance; CGS, comfortable gait speed; COSMIN, COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurements Instruments; d, day(s); DD, Deceleration distance; FGS, fast gait speed; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; Inter-R, Inter-rater reliability; Intra-R, Intra-rater reliability; m, metres; m/s, metres per second; MDC, Minimal detectable change; min, minute(s); PF, ankle plantarflexors; mo, months; N/A, not applicable; NR, not reported; SEM, Standard error of measurement; SRD, Smallest real difference; TD, total distance. 1Data obtained from author. 2Computed from study data. 3Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) was used to classify ankle plantar-flexor tone as: no increase (MAS = 0), slight increase (MAS = 1-1+), and marked increase (MAS≥2). 4Patient’s physical therapist determined the amount of physical assistance given. 5People dependent on 1 person to walk participated. A physical therapist secured the patient from behind by close manual support, holding the waistband, or by close presence and supervision, and only moved when the patient was in double support phase. 6Evaluator provided physical assistance at the waist to steady the person, if needed, but not to advance the foot. 7Orthoses were permitted if a prerequisite for safety.