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. 2021 Jun 30;18(13):7031. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18137031

Table 2.

Differences between patients who did fully self-manage medication after discharge and patients receiving help with medication management after discharge.

n = 393
n = 276
No SMM b
n = 117
p *
In-hospital medication management, %
I did fully self-manage my medicines during hospitalization. 12.8 14.9 7.8 0.053
I am … in hospital to self-manage my medicines at home. <0.001
      Not prepared 43.6 41.2 49.2
      Insufficiently prepared 10.3 6.2 19.8
      Sufficiently prepared 46.1 52.6 31.0
I stored my medication in my room during hospitalization.c n = 322 n = 227 n = 95
19.6 22.9 11.6 0.019
I made my own decisions about medication intake during hospitalization. c n = 329 n = 231 n = 98
53.8 57.6 44.9 0.035
Medication-related information at discharge, %
I had a conversation on how to manage medicines at home. 0.051
      Yes 18.7 18.6 18.8
      No 74.2 76.3 69.2
      I don’t know 7.1 5.1 12.0
I received … information about medication at discharge. 0.006
      No 5.6 5.9 5.1
      Too little 31.6 26.5 43.6
      Enough 26.3 26.9 24.8
      Too much 36.5 40.7 26.5
I received information about … at discharge. c,d n = 267 n = 193 n = 74
      Working area 33.2 34.0 31.0 0.642
      Indication 54.0 55.0 51.4 0.603
      Dose 69.3 74.1 56.8 0.006
      Time 77.9 81.9 67.6 0.012
      Side effects 9.6 10.5 7.1 0.412
Information about medication was provided … c,d n = 267 n = 193 n = 74
      Oral 85.8 87.6 81.3 0.189
      On paper 55.8 60.1 44.6 0.022
The … gave me information about my medicines at discharge c,d n = 267 n = 193 n = 74
      Physician 40.7 40.8 40.3 0.934
      Physician assistant 9.2 8.5 11.3 0.487
      Nurse 69.7 74.1 58.1 0.011
      Other 2.3 2.7 1.4 0.553
Medication schedule, %
I received a medication schedule at discharge. <0.001
      No 14.5 15.9 11.2
      Yes and I understand 69.4 78.6 47.4
      Yes and I don’t understand 16.1 5.5 41.4
The … was mentioned on the medication schedule. c,d n = 331 n = 232 n = 99
      Medication name 97.9 97.8 98.0 0.938
      Working area 8.3 7.5 10.2 0.422
      Indication 20.4 19.8 21.9 0.676
      Dose 93.7 96.6 86.9 0.001
      Time 97.9 98.7 95.9 0.108
      Side effects 0.6 0.0 2.1 0.030
Medication management after discharge, %
Taking responsibility for my medication management after discharge was………… <0.001
      Difficult 13.0 5.8 29.9
      Easy 87.0 94.2 70.1
Medication management assistance … <0.001
      Should be extended 13.0 7.6 25.9
      Should remain the same 83.6 88.4 72.4
      Should be restricted 3.4 4.0 1.7
I stopped the prescribed therapy earlier than agreed with the physician. 22.7 21.1 26.5 0.242
I changed the way medicines should be taken based on own knowledge/experience. 25.4 24.3 28.2 0.413
Patient satisfaction (mean [SD])
Satisfaction with help during hospitalization to self-manage medication after discharge. (scale 0–10) 7.3 [2.32] 7.4 [2.36] 7.1 [2.23] 0.211
Satisfaction with own medication management after discharge. (scale 0–10) 8.2 [1.88] 8.7 [1.16] 6.9 [2.55] <0.001

a SMM: Full self-management of medication after discharge (preparation and administration). b No SMM: Help with medication management (preparation and/or administration) after discharge. c This question could only be completed under certain conditions which resulted in a smaller sample size. Some patients had to skip this question based on their answer to a previous closed-ended question. d Multiple answers were possible which resulted in a total of more than 100%. * p-values were calculated using chi-squared tests for nominal and independent t-tests for continuous variables, p-values in bold: it indicates the significant values.