Time course (panels A-D) of ambulatory activity expressed as distance traveled, cm/10 min, obtained after administration of JJC8-016 (panel A; 3, 10, 30, 56 mg/kg i.p.); JJC8-088 (panel B; 10, 30, 56 mg/kg i.p.); JJC8-091 (panel C; 10, 30, 56 mg/kg i.p.); and cocaine (panel D; 3, 10, 17, 30 mg/kg i.p.) in Swiss Webster mice. The legend on the top panel indicates the doses of drugs reported on panels A to D. The maximal level of ambulatory activity obtained for each drug as a function of dose is reported on the bottom panel (E). Each point represents the group mean ± SEM (vertical bars) of the distance traveled (cm) in 10 min. Group size was at least six subjects for all groups, except for the group administered with the lowest cocaine dose (3 mg/kg, n=4).