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. 2021 Jul 21;16(7):e0254001. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254001

Table 2. Quantile and mean comparisons of Republican and Democratic counties across select public-health measures.

Variable % Mean Difference % Median Difference % Top Quartile Difference % Bottom Quartile Difference t-test p value t-test t statistic category
Asthma -15.53% -2.09% -24.20% 6% 1.75E-12 -7.227185 Respiratory diseases
Interstitial lung disease -7.59% -7.41% -6.82% -6% 6.27E-11 -6.661729 Respiratory diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary 33.27% 31.82% 31.19% 33% 2.00E-85 22.186229 Respiratory diseases
Coal workers pneumoconiosis 360.40% 50.00% 75.00% 0% 7.99E-10 6.1667217 Respiratory diseases
Mortality risk, age 0–5 -2.31% 11.48% -10.87% 17% 0.252621008 -1.145192 Life expectancy and Mortality
Mortality risk, age 25–45 0.57% 11.03% -8.44% 19% 0.769660064 0.2929605 Life expectancy and Mortality
Mortality risk, age 45–65 3.77% 9.50% -1.84% 13% 0.012094384 2.5172813 Life expectancy and Mortality
Mortality risk, age 65–85 5.05% 6.41% 2.53% 7% 2.98E-13 7.460388 Life expectancy and Mortality
Mortality risk, age 5–25 8.86% 24.67% -0.44% 32% 4.31E-05 4.1224536 Life expectancy and Mortality
Part B Drugs Actual Costs -97.17% -85.75% -91.46% -60% 0.00270063 -3.012516 Insurance and Healthcare cost
Emergency Department Visits -97.13% -81.77% -89.77% -65% 0.002669971 -3.016033 Insurance and Healthcare cost
prct_male_medicaid -12.54% -9.83% -15.64% -5% 2.80E-10 -6.419353 Insurance and Healthcare cost
prct_female_medicaid -11.51% -7.56% -15.69% -5% 2.46E-09 -6.05624 Insurance and Healthcare cost
Actual Per Capita Costs -5.00% -3.64% -7.12% -3% 1.83E-10 -6.464521 Insurance and Healthcare cost
Percent Male 2.11% 2.24% 1.60% 2% 4.33E-20 9.4117126 Insurance and Healthcare cost
Uninsured %: < = 400% of Poverty 2.67% -1.50% 3.01% -2% 0.171888273 1.367543 Insurance and Healthcare cost
Uninsured %: All Incomes 6.38% 1.96% 4.48% 11% 0.005906647 2.7616682 Insurance and Healthcare cost
Uninsured %: < = 138% of Poverty 9.40% 11.25% 12.44% 0% 3.19E-06 4.6948186 Insurance and Healthcare cost
HIV AIDS -58.75% -57.86% -67.85% -45% 3.27E-30 -12.12769 Infectious diseases
Tuberculosis -43.03% -40.74% -46.67% -35% 1.28E-35 -13.4303 Infectious diseases
Meningitis -16.06% -6.98% -25.40% 0% 2.10E-17 -8.782586 Infectious diseases
Lower respiratory infections 2.62% 1.57% -1.82% 9% 0.124374871 1.5385809 Infectious diseases
Life Expectancy (White) -2.28% -2.57% -2.97% -2% 1.34E-21 -9.967263 Health Outcomes
Life Expectancy -1.41% -1.82% -2.21% -1% 1.07E-08 -5.804499 Health Outcomes
Mentally Unhealthy Days -0.59% 0.76% 1.82% -3% 0.399461955 -0.843066 Health Outcomes
Physically Unhealthy Days -0.59% 0.99% -0.48% 1% 0.530765566 -0.627172 Health Outcomes
Years of Potential Life Lost Rate 5.60% 16.53% 0.73% 23% 0.00682826 2.7151188 Health Outcomes
Age-Adjusted Mortality 7.07% 16.06% 1.65% 22% 1.27E-04 3.8574268 Health Outcomes
% Food Insecure -13.59% -4.74% -19.69% 1% 2.84E-12 -7.147556 Health Behaviors
% Insufficient Sleep -5.18% -5.05% -6.50% -4% 4.73E-14 -7.719342 Health Behaviors
% Excessive Drinking -2.24% -4.20% -4.44% 1% 0.031192086 -2.159568 Health Behaviors
% Smokers 4.07% 5.65% 1.45% 10% 0.001194561 3.2560056 Health Behaviors
Food Environment Index 5.89% 2.67% -0.30% 11% 4.28E-08 5.5554343 Health Behaviors
obesity_crude 8.91% 12.63% 2.59% 20% 2.73E-14 7.8114067 Health Behaviors
diabetes_crude 14.08% 21.43% 12.33% 20% 9.06E-13 7.289131 Health Behaviors
Drug Overdose Mortality Rate 14.97% 13.37% 11.53% 15% 6.15E-06 4.5607718 Health Behaviors
opioid_prescribing_rate 16.94% 23.90% 25.76% 13% 3.90E-09 5.9619381 Health Behaviors
physical_inactivity_crude 16.97% 18.88% 11.79% 29% 2.80E-32 12.557282 Health Behaviors
% 65 and over 19.68% 21.38% 17.73% 25% 1.62E-47 15.595938 Demographic
% Non-Hispanic White 50.20% 69.16% 22.38% 102% 2.72E-85 23.428989 Demographic
% Rural 93.91% 233.63% 80.54% 788% 2.51E-66 19.412684 Demographic
Interpersonal violence -38.67% -27.68% -41.59% -9% 3.10E-23 -10.42015 Deaths of Despair
Alcohol use disorders -25.97% -21.51% -19.34% -16% 4.65E-08 -5.545754 Deaths of Despair
Drug use disorders 8.55% 2.25% 16.33% -4% 0.001438594 3.1974805 Deaths of Despair
MHP Rate -52.14% -60.95% -50.92% -66% 7.32E-37 -13.68433 Clinical Care
Dentist Rate -36.14% -41.90% -33.63% -40% 2.84E-35 -13.25697 Clinical Care
PCP Rate -33.90% -37.34% -34.07% -33% 1.03E-32 -12.68707 Clinical Care
% With Access -18.96% -24.06% -18.62% -25% 1.26E-27 -11.43411 Clinical Care
% Vaccinated -6.02% -4.55% -4.08% -8% 3.03E-08 -5.60294 Clinical Care
% Screened -0.95% -2.44% 0.00% -3% 0.305959851 -1.024512 Clinical Care
Preventable Hosp. Rate 5.12% 6.49% 3.77% 13% 0.026039081 2.2310975 Clinical Care
Hypertensive heart disease -22.88% -17.79% -26.35% -14% 2.03E-09 -6.090275 Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiomyopathy & myocarditis -13.50% -15.48% -16.10% -6% 2.64E-11 -6.791812 Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases 7.69% 11.17% 4.65% 15% 2.99E-09 6.0209145 Cardiovascular diseases
Ischemic heart disease 13.42% 16.28% 13.25% 20% 1.94E-16 8.4505235 Cardiovascular diseases
Stomach cancer -20.13% -18.81% -25.95% -13% 1.79E-42 -14.92076 Cancers
Liver cancer -12.99% -12.05% -12.69% -10% 2.68E-20 -9.572363 Cancers
Testicular cancer 16.58% 21.74% 18.52% 25% 9.01E-27 11.261797 Cancers
Malignant skin melanoma 26.76% 27.04% 22.20% 31% 9.65E-98 24.990984 Cancers

Every county was assigned as either Republican or Democratic depending on the majority vote in 2016, and the mean, median, 1st quartile, and 3rd quartile values for different public health-related variables were calculated. The differences in these values for Republican and Democratic counties are presented in Table 2, along with the Student t-test statistics and p values for the mean comparisons.