Fig. 4. A predicted GPCR interaction network from multiregional protein coexpression analysis.
(A) A predicted interaction network between 120 GPCRs and 1159 transmembrane proteins in the mouse brain from high-stringency coexpression analysis (PCC >0.9). An enlarged PPI module for CB1 is shown, with the correlation coefficient for each putative PPI annotated. The most strongly correlated partner (FLRT3) was selected for experimental validation. (B) Colocalization of FLRT3 (red) with a fraction of CB1 (green) in the rat hippocampal neuron. Both endogenous proteins were stained with their antibodies. (C) Confocal image of FLRT3 (red) and CB1 (green) immunocytostaining in the hippocampal brain slice. Robust CB1-positive fibers were observed; a fraction of CB1-positive puncta colocalized with FLRT3 signals, which also showed a puncta staining pattern. Zoomed-in images of the boxed regions in (B) and (C) are shown on the right.