(A) Representative confocal images of the hippocampal pyramidal and dendritic cell layers that were immuno-stained for the presynaptic marker Bassoon, and the postsynaptic marker Homer. Scale bar = 10 μm. The quantification shows the total immunostained area occupied by the markers and their extent of overlap (colocalization). (Pyramidal Cell Layer: nWT = 23 hippocampal strata, 10 slices, three animals, nKO = 23 hippocampal strata, 10 slices, three animals, Dendritic (oriens/radiatum) Cell Layers: nWT = 37 hippocampal strata, 10 slices, three animals, nKO = 36 hippocampal strata, 11 slices, three animals). (B) Input–output relationship for WT and Miro1 KO slope of fEPSP against increasing stimulus intensity. Bar chart shows the slope of fEPSPs at low (25–50 μA) and high (50–75 μA) stimulations (nWT = 7 slices, three animals, nKO = 7 slices, three animals).
Figure 5—figure supplement 1—source data 1. Source data for excitation in hippocampus.