The phylogenetic trees were built using MEGA X software (
Kumar et al., 2018) and bootstrap method based on 1000 iterations (
Felsenstein, 1985). Codon-based 249-nucleotide-long alignment was generated using MUSCLE
Edgar, 2004; positions with less than 50% site coverage were removed prior to the analysis, resulting in 234 positions in the final dataset. The relevant bootstrap values with support over 60% are shown with triangles at the base of representative clades; the size of the triangle is proportional to the bootstrap value. The scale bars indicate the evolutionary distance based on nucleotide substitution rate. Each tree was manually rooted using a clade of non-integrated HMA as an outgroup. The nodes selected for the ancestral sequence reconstruction are marked with red triangles. (
A) Maximum likelihood (ML) and neighbour joining (NJ) trees calculated based on all codon positions in the alignment. (
B) ML and NJ trees calculated based on third codon position in the alignment.