The statistical analysis was performed using an estimation method implemented in besthr R library (
MacLean, 2019). (
A–G) Each panel corresponds to a different Pikp-1:ancHMA* mutant co-expressed with AVR-PikD (
D) or empty vector (ev). All the constructs were co-expressed with Pikp-2. The left panels represent the ranked data (dots) and their corresponding mean (dashed line). The size of a dot centre is proportional to the number of observations with that specific value. The panels on the right show the distribution of 1000 bootstrap sample rank means, with the blue areas illustrating the 0.025 and 0.975 percentiles of the distribution. The difference is considered significant if the ranked mean for the co-expression with AVR-PikD falls within or beyond the blue percentile of the mean distribution for co-expression with the empty vector. (
H) Statistical analysis by the estimation method of Pikp:ancHMA
LVKIE* (LVKIE*) and Pikp:ancHMA
LAKIE* (LAKIE*) co-expressed with AVR-PikD and Pikp-2 analysed as in (