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. 2021 Jan 19;128(7):939–955. doi: 10.1007/s00702-020-02293-w

Table 3.

Discrepancy scores (DS) of self-report and cognitive performance

Discrepancy scores Patients with ADHD Controls Statistics
MW-U p Cohen’s r
Self-report (DS = raw score self-rating – raw score informant-ratingq)
Attention DS 6.27 ± 11.93 2.80 ± 7.31 712.00 .137 .162
Executive functions DS 2.77 ± 11.60 3.31 ± 6.70 874.50 .979 .003
Memory DS 7.41 ± 9.63 4.51 ± 7.61 721.00 .160 .153
Self-report total DS 16.44 ± 31.82 10.62 ± 19.79 763.50 .306 .112
Neuropsychological test performance (DS = PR postdiction – PR actual performance)
Vigilance RTa N 22/22/2 16 / 31 / 0
DS 2.91 ± 28.97 −10.19 ± 29.51 751.50 .011 .263
Vigilance omissionsb N 31/16/0 21/25/0
DS 12.81 ± 37.93 1.07 ± 28.22 865.00 .097 .172
Selective attentionc N 34/12/0 29/17/1
DS 22.11 ± 26.37 10.32 ± 26.62 799.50 .031 .224
 Attention DS DSd 11.74 ± 24.57 .45 ± 22.44 778.00 .014 .255
Processing speede N 37/10/0 27/19/1
DS 21.28 ± 26.53 13.96 ± 31.03 950.00 .243 .121
Cognitive flexibilityf N 29/18/0 26/21/0
DS 14.45 ± 30.66 7.53 ± 35.39 967.00 .298 .107
Verbal fluencyg N 34/12/1 29/18/0
DS 9.98 ± 16.84 5.13 ± 22.20 981.50 .352 .096
Working memoryh N 24/21/0−1.96 ± 21.40 27/20/0 2.34 ± 31.21
D S −1.96 ± 21.40 2.34 ± 31.21 923.00 .293 .110
Planningi N 23/22/0 27/20/0
DS 7.84 ± 29.30 8.70 ± 31.11 1037.50 .876 .016
 Executive functions DSj 10.37 ± 16.45 7.53 ± 18.96 1010.50 .477 .073
Immediate recallk N 8/36/3 7/39/1
DS −20.62 ± 22.75 −21.31 ± 24.78 1074.50 .820 .023
Learningl N 18/28/1 10/ 32/ 5
DS −7.85 ± 28.56 −11.23 ± 20.74 1019.50 .520 .066
Delayed recallm N 27/20/0 20/ 25/ 2
DS −1.02 ± 25.48 −1.09 ± 21.07 1057.00 .719 .037
RecognitionnR N 22/21/4 30/14/3
DS 2.17 ± 27.08 6.19 ± 25.18 981.50 .352 .096
 Memory DSo −6.83 ± 19.83 −6.86 ± 13.21 1089.00 .907 .012
 Test performance total DSp 5.09 ± 14.95 .37 ± 13.69 889.50 .104 .168

DS (Self-report) = raw score self-rating – raw score informant-rating; DS (Neuropsychological test performance) = percentile rank postdiction – percentile rank actual performance; N = Number of participants overestimating/ underestimating/ perfect estimating; Bold = significant at p < 0.05

aAge based percentile rank (PR) mean reaction time in ms in the vigilance task (WAFV); bPR of the total number of omission errors in the vigilance task (WAFV), cPR mean reaction time in ms in the selective attention task (WAFS); dComputed by averaging across all attention DS; ePR total response time in seconds in the Trail Making Test Part A (TMT-A); fPR total response time in seconds in the Trail Making Test Part B (TMT-B); gPR sum of correctly produced words in the verbal fluency test (RWT); hPR sum of correctly identified letters on the N-Back task (N-Back); iPR composite score based on optimally solved items in the Tower of London test (TOL); jComputed by averaging across all executive functioning DS; kPR number of correctly recalled words on the first trial on the verbal learning test (VLMT); lPR sum of correctly recalled words across the first five trials on the VLMT; mPR number of correctly recalled words on the seventh trial on the VLMT; nPR number of correctly identified words on the recognition part of the VLMT oComputed by averaging across all memory DS; pComputed by averaging across the domain DS; qFor the self-report N = 45, for informant report N = 39, thus 39 discrepancy scores were calculated