A–B, RNA-seq analysis of bulk tumors showing effects
of ExTr signaling pathways. (A) Horizontal bars indicate NES (Normalized
Enrichment Score) of pathways upregulated (positive NES, in dark color, right)
or downregulated (negative NES, in light color, left) by ExTr, indicated by Gene
Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA). (B) Representative GSEA plots showing enhanced
molecular signatures. E0771 tumors, collected after 7 days of ExTr. n=5 mice per
group, FDR (false discovery rate) q-value<0.12, p<0.05.
Comprehensive list of pathways modulated by ExTr are included in the Supplementary section
(Supplementary Fig.
S5, Supplementary
Table S1). C–D, Gene signatures of pathways
related to antitumor immunity and vessel normalization in patients in response
to ExTr. Original data set from Ligibel et al. (38).