Table 1.
Accepted Calonectria species emerging from the results of this study.
Code B1 | Accepted species name2 | Isolates representing the species 3,4,5 | Other collection number5 | Hosts | Area of occurrence | Collector | GenBank accession Numbers6 |
References or source of data |
act; cmdA; his3; ITS; LSU; rpb2; tef1; tub2 | ||||||||
B1 | Calonectria acaciicola | CMW 47173T | CBS 143557 | Soil (Acacia auriculiformis plantation) | Do Luong, Nghe An, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT3349337; MT335160; MT335399; MT359620; MT359380; MT412474; MT412690; MT412930 | Pham et al. (2019), this study |
CMW 47174 | CBS 143558 | Soil (A. auriculiformis plantation) | Do Luong, Nghe An, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT334934; MT335161; MT335400; MT359621; MT359381; MT412475; MT412691; MT412931 | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B2 | Ca. acicola | CMW 30996T | – | Phoenix canariensis | Northland, New Zealand | H. Pearson | MT334935; MT335162; MT335401; MT359622; MT359382; MT412476; MT412692; MT412932 | Gadgil & Dick (2004), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CBS 114812 | CMW 51216 | P. canariensis | Northland, New Zealand | H. Pearson | MT334936; MT335163; MT335402; MT359623; MT359383; MT412477; MT412693; MT412933 | Gadgil & Dick (2004), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B3 | Ca. aciculata | CERC 5342T | CBS 142883; CMW 47645 | Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis | YunNan, China | S.F. Chen & J.Q. Li | MT334937; MT335164; MT335403; MT359624; MT359384; MT412478; MT412694; MT412934 | Li et al. (2017), this study |
B4 | Ca. aconidialis | CMW 35174T | CBS 136086; CERC 1850 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | HaiNan, China | X. Mou & S.F. Chen | MT334938; MT335165; MT335404; MT359625; MT359385; MT412479; MT412695; N/A8 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study |
CMW 35384 | CBS 136091; CERC 1886 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | HaiNan, China | X. Mou & S.F. Chen | MT334939; MT335166; MT335405; MT359626; MT359386; N/A; MT412696; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 31370 | CBS 136079; CERC 1705 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou, G. Zhao & F. Han | MT334940; MT335167; MT335406; MT359627; MT359387; MT412480; MT412697; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 31390 | CBS 136081; CERC 1725 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou, G. Zhao & F. Han | MT334952; MT335179; MT335418; MT359639; MT359399; MT412485; MT412709; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 31392 | CBS 136247; CERC 1727 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou, G. Zhao & F. Han | MT334942; MT335169; MT335408; MT359629; MT359389; MT412481; MT412699; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 31439 | CBS 137332; CERC 1774 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou, G. Zhao & F. Han | MT334951; MT335178; MT335417; MT359638; MT359398; N/A; MT412708; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 31440 | CBS 136976; CERC 1775 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou, G. Zhao & F. Han | MT334950; MT335177; MT335416; MT359637; MT359397; N/A; MT412707; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 35169 | CBS 136085; CERC 1845 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangDong, China | X. Mou & R. Chang | MT334948; MT335175; MT335414; MT359635; MT359395; MT412483; MT412705; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 35184 | CBS 136249; CERC 1860 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Mou & R. Chang | MT334947; MT335174; MT335413; MT359634; MT359394; N/A; MT412704; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 35187 | CBS 136248; CERC 1863 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | HaiNan, China | X. Mou & S.F. Chen | MT334946; MT335173; MT335412; MT359633; MT359393; N/A; MT412703; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 35409 | CBS 136092; CERC 1900 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Mou & R. Chang | MT334944; MT335171; MT335410; MT359631; MT359391; N/A; MT412701; N/A | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
B5 | Ca. aeknauliensis | CMW 48253T | CBS 143559 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Aek Nauli, North Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT334953; MT335180; MT335419; MT359640; MT359400; MT412486; MT412710; N/A | Pham et al. (2019), this study |
CMW 48254 | CBS 143560 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Aek Nauli, North Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT334954; MT335181; MT335420; MT359641; MT359401; MT412487; MT412711; N/A | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B6 | Ca. amazonica | CBS116250T | CMW 51234; CPC 3534 | E. tereticornis | Amazon, Brazil | P.W. Crous & A.C. Alfenas | MT334955; MT335182; MT335421; MT359642; MT359402; MT412488; MT412712; MT412935 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 115486 | CMW 51223; CPC 3894 | E. tereticornis | Amazon, Brazil | P.W. Crous & A.C. Alfenas | MT334956; MT335183; MT335422; MT359643; MT359403; MT412489; MT412713; MT412936 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 115440 | CMW 51222; CPC 3885 | E. tereticornis | Amazon, Brazil | P.W. Crous & A.C. Alfenas | MT334957; MT335184; MT335423; MT359644; MT359404; N/A; MT412714; MT412937 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 116271 | CMW 51236; CPC 3559 | Eucalyptus sp. | Amazon, Brazil | P.W. Crous & A.C. Alfenas | MT335148; MT335385; MT335625; MT359846; MT359606; MT412677; MT412916; MT413123 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 116319 | CMW 51832; CPC 3761 | Eucalyptus sp. | Amazon, Brazil | P.W. Crous & A.C. Alfenas | MT334960; MT335187; MT335426; MT359647; MT359407; MT412490; MT412717; MT412940 | Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study | ||
B7 | Ca. angustata | CMW 30990T | CBS 114544; CPC 2347; P99-0454 | Tillandsia capitata | Sarasota nursery, Florida, USA | R.M. Leahy | MT334963; N/A; MT335429; MT359650; MT359410; MT412493; MT412720; MT412943 | Crous et al. (2000, 2006), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CBS 112133 | CMW 30983; CPC 3152; P99-1321 | Tillandsia capitata | USA | R.M. Leahy | GQ280427; GQ267362; DQ190695; GQ280549; GQ280670; KY653360; FJ918552; DQ190593 | Crous et al. (2000, 2006), Lombard et al. (2010a), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) | ||
B8 | Ca. asiatica | CBS 114073T | CMW 23782; CPC 3900 | Debris (leaf litter) | Prathet Thai, Thailand | N.L. Hywel-Jones | GQ280428; AY725741; AY725658; GQ280550; GQ280672; N/A; AY725705; AY725616 | Crous et al. (2004), Lombard et al. (2010a) |
B9 | Ca. auriculiformis | CMW 47178T | CBS 143561 | Soil (A. auriculiformis plantation) | Hau Loc, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT334964; MT335190; MT335430; MT359651; MT359411; MT412494; MT412721; MT412944 | Pham et al. (2019), this study |
CMW 47179 | CBS 143562 | Soil (A. auriculiformis plantation) | Hau Loc, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | N/A; MT335191; MT335431; MT359652; MT359412; MT412495; MT412722; MT412945 | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B10 | Ca. australiensis | CMW 23669T | CBS 112954; CPC 4714 | Ficus pleurocarpa | Queensland, Australia | C. Pearce & B. Paulus | MT334965; MT335192; MT335432; MT359653; MT359413; MT412496; MT412723; MT412946 | Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
B11 | Ca. avesiculata | CBS 313.92T | ATCC 38226; CMW 23670; CPC 2373 | Ilex vomitoria | Cairo, Georgia, USA | S.A. Alfieri | GQ280431; GQ267364; DQ190620; GQ280553; GQ280675; N/A; GQ267294; AF333392 | Schubert et al. (1989), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a) |
B12 | Ca. brachiatica | CMW 25298T | CBS 123700 | Pinus maximinoi | Buga, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; MT335195; MT335435; MT359656; MT359416; MT412499; MT412726; MT412948 | Lombard et al. (2009), this study |
CMW 25302 | – | Pi. tecunumanii | Buga, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; MT335196; MT335436; MT359657; MT359417; MT412500; MT412727; MT412949 | Lombard et al. (2009), this study | ||
CMW 25307 | – | Pi. tecunumanii | Buga, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; MT335197; MT335437; MT359658; MT359418; MT412501; MT412728; MT412950 | Lombard et al. (2009), this study | ||
B13 | Ca. brasiliana | CBS 111484T | CMW 51187; CPC 1924 | Soil | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT334968; MT335198; MT335438; MT359659; MT359419; MT412502; MT412729; MT412951 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 111485 | CMW 51188; CPC 1929 | Soil | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT334969; MT335199; MT335439; MT359660; MT359420; MT412503; MT412730; MT412952 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B14 | Ca. brasiliensis | CBS 230.51T | IMI 299576 | Eucalyptus sp. | Ceara state, Brazil | T.R. Ciferri | MT334970; MT335200; MT335440; MT359661; MT359421; MT412504; MT412731; MT412953 | Batista (1951), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010b), this study |
CMW 32949 | CBS 114257; CPC 1944 | Eucalyptus sp. | Aracruz, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT334971; MT335201; MT335441; MT359662; MT359422; MT412505; MT412732; MT412954 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
CBS 133609 | LPF245 | Anadenanthera peregrina | Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KC491222; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; KC491225; KC491228 | Alfenas et al. (2013b, 2015) | ||
CBS 134818 | LPF262 | Azadirachta indica (leaf) | Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM395991; KM396079; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395817; KM395905 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B15 | Ca. brassiana | CBS 134855T | LPF378 | Soil (Eucalyptus brassiana plantation) | Teresina, Piauí, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396056; KM396139; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395882; KM395969 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134856 | LPF379 | Soil (E. brassiana plantation) | Teresina, Piauí, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396057; KM396140; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395883; KM395970 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B16 | Ca. brassicae | CBS 111869T | CPC 2409 | Argyreia splendens | Indonesia | F. Bugnicourt | MT334972; MT335202; MT335442; MT359663; MT359423; MT412506; MT412733; MT412955 | Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study |
B17 | Ca. brassicicola | CBS 112841T | CMW 51206; CPC 4552 | Soil (Brassica sp.) | Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; KX784561; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; KX784689; KX784619 | Lombard et al. (2016) |
B18 | Ca. brevistipitata | CBS 115671T | CMW 51226; CPC 949 | Soil | Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT334973; MT335203; MT335443; MT359664; MT359424; MT412507; MT412734; MT412956 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 110928 | CMW 51170; CPC 951 | Soil | Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT334974; MT335204; MT335444; MT359665; MT359425; MT412508; MT412735; MT412957 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 110837 | CMW 51163; CPC 913 | Soil | Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335057; MT335289; MT335529; MT359750; MT359510; MT412586; MT412820; MT413034 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B19 | Ca. bumicola | CMW 48257T | CBS 143575 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Aek Nauli, North Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT334975; MT335205; MT335445; MT359666; MT359426; MT412509; MT412736; N/A | Pham et al. (2019), this study |
B20 | Ca. canadiana | CMW 23673T | CBS 110817; STE-U 499 | Picea sp. | Canada | S. Greifenhagen | MT334976; MT335206; MT335446; MT359667; MT359427; MT412510; MT412737; MT412958 | Kang et al. (2001b), Crous (2002), Lechat et al. (2010), this study |
CERC 8952 | – | Soil | HeNan, China | S.F. Chen | MT335058; MT335290; MT335530; MT359751; MT359511; MT412587; MT412821; MT413035 | Liu & Chen (2017), this study | ||
B21 | Ca. candelabrum | CMW 31000 | CPC 1675; UFV 117 | Eucalyptus sp. | Amazonas, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT334977; MT335207; MT335447; MT359668; MT359428; MT412511; MT412738; MT412959 | Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2015b), this study |
CMW 31001 | STE-U 1679; UFV 126 | Eucalyptus sp. | Amazonas, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT334978; MT335208; MT335448; MT359669; MT359429; MT412512; MT412739; MT412960 | Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2015b), this study | ||
CMW 15218 | CBS 125257 | E. grandis | Las Golondrinas, Pichincha, Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT334979; MT335209; MT335449; MT359670; MT359430; MT412513; MT412740; MT412961 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B22 | Ca. cerciana | CMW 25309T | CBS 123693 | E. urophylla × E. grandis hybrid cutting | CERC nursery, GuangDong, China | M.J. Wingfield & X.D. Zhou | MT334981; MT335211; MT335451; MT359672; MT359432; MT412515; MT412742; MT412963 | Lombard et al. (2010c), this study |
CMW 25290 | CBS 123695 | E. urophylla × E. grandis hybrid cutting | CERC nursery, GuangDong, China | M.J. Wingfield & X.D. Zhou | MT334982; MT335212; MT335452; MT359673; MT359433; MT412516; MT412743; MT412964 | Lombard et al. (2010c), this study | ||
CMW 35180 | CBS 136642; CERC 1856 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangDong, China | X. Mou & R. Chang | MT334986; MT335216; MT335456; MT359677; MT359437; MT412520; MT412747; MT412968 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 37976 | CBS 136097; CERC 1939; CPC 23517 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangDong, China | X. Mou & R. Chang | MT334983; MT335213; MT335453; MT359674; MT359434; MT412517; MT412744; MT412965 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
B23 | Ca. chinensis | CMW 23674T | CBS 114827; CPC 4101 | Soil | Hong Kong, China | E.C.Y. Liew | MT334990; MT335220; MT335460; MT359681; MT359441; MT412524; MT412751; MT412972 | Crous et al. (2004), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 30986 | CBS 112744; CPC 4104 | Soil | Hong Kong, China | E.C.Y. Liew | MT334991; MT335221; MT335461; MT359682; MT359442; MT412525; MT412752; MT412973 | Crous et al. (2004), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
CMW 47192 | CBS 143573 | Soil (Acacia hybrid plantation) | Tuyen Quang, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT335068; MT335300; MT335540; MT359761; MT359521; MT412597; MT412831; MT413045 | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B24 | Ca. citri | CMW 23675T | CBS 186.36 | Citrus sinensis | Florida, USA | H.S. Fawcett | MT334992; MT335222; MT335462; MT359683; MT359443; MT412526; MT412753; MT412974 | Fawcett & Klotz (1937), Crous (2002), this study |
B25 | Ca. clavata | CMW 23690T | ATCC 66389; CBS 114557; CPC 2536; P078-1543 | Callistemon viminalis | Lake Placid, Florida, USA | C.P. Seymour & E.L. Barnard | MT334993; MT335223; MT335463; MT359684; MT359444; MT412527; MT412754; MT412975 | El-Gholl et al. (1993b), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 30994 | CBS 114666; CPC 2537; P078-1261 | Root debris in peat | Lee County, Florida, USA | D. Ferrin | MT334994; MT335224; MT335464; MT359685; MT359445; MT412528; MT412755; MT412976 | El-Gholl et al. (1993b), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B26 | Ca. cochinchinensis | CMW 49915T | CBS 143567 | Soil (Hevea brasiliensis plantation) | Duong Minh Chau, Tay Ninh, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham, Q.N. Dang & T.Q. Pham | MT334995; MT335225; MT335465; MT359686; MT359446; MT412529; MT412756; MT412977 | Pham et al. (2019), this study |
CMW 47186 | CBS 143568 | Soil (A. auriculiformis plantation) | Song May, Dong Nai, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT334996; MT335226; MT335466; MT359687; MT359447; MT412530; MT412757; MT412978 | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
CMW 47187 | CBS 143569 | Soil (A. auriculiformis plantation) | Song May, Dong Nai, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT334997; MT335227; MT335467; MT359688; MT359448; MT412531; MT412758; MT412979 | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B27 | Ca. colhounii | CBS 293.79T | CMW 30999 | Camellia sinensis | Mauritius | A. Peerally | GQ280443; GQ267373; DQ190639; GQ280565; GQ280687; KY653376; GQ267301; DQ190564 | Peerally (1973), Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010a) |
B28 | Ca. colombiana | CBS 115127T | CMW 30871; CPC 1160 | Soil | La Selva, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | GQ280538; GQ267455; FJ972442; GQ280660; GQ280782; N/A; FJ972492; FJ972423 | Schoch et al. (1999), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, b) |
CBS 115638 | CMW 30766; CPC 1161 | Soil | La Selva, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | GQ280539; GQ267456; FJ972441; GQ280661; GQ280783; N/A; FJ972491; FJ972422 | Schoch et al. (1999), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, b) | ||
B29 | Ca. colombiensis | CMW 23676T | CBS 112220; CPC 723 | Soil (E. grandis trees) | La Selva, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | MT334998; MT335228; MT335468; MT359689; MT359449; MT412532; MT412759; MT412980 | Crous et al. (2004), this study |
CMW 30985 | CBS 112221; CPC 724 | Soil (E. grandis trees) | La Selva, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | MT334999; MT335229; MT335469; MT359690; MT359450; MT412533; MT412760; MT412981 | Crous et al. (2004), this study | ||
B30 | Ca. crousiana | CMW 27249T | CBS 127198 | E. grandis | FuJian, China | M.J. Wingfield | MT335000; MT335230; MT335470; MT359691; MT359451; MT412534; MT412761; MT412982 | Chen et al. (2011), this study |
CMW 27253 | CBS 127199 | E. grandis | FuJian, China | M.J. Wingfield | MT335001; MT335231; MT335471; MT359692; MT359452; MT412535; MT412762; MT412983 | Chen et al. (2011), this study | ||
B31 | Ca. curvispora | CMW 23693T | CBS 116159; CPC 765 | Soil | Tamatave, Madagascar | P.W. Crous | MT335002; MT335232; MT335472; MT359693; MT359453; MT412536; MT412763; N/A | Victor et al. (1997), Crous (2002), Lombard et al.(2010a, 2015a), this study |
CMW 48245 | CBS 143565 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Aek Nauli, North Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335003; MT335233; MT335473; MT359694; MT359454; MT412537; MT412764; N/A | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B32 | Ca. cylindrospora | CBS 119670 | CMW 51310; CPC 12766 | Pistacia lentiscus | Italy | N/A | MT335006; MT335236; MT335476; MT359697; MT359457; MT412540; MT412767; MT412985 | Lombard et al. (2015a,b, 2016), this study |
CMW 30978 | CBS 110666; P90.1479; STE-U 497 | Ilex vomitoria | Florida, USA | N.E. El-Gholl | MT335007; MT335237; MT335477; MT359698; MT359458; MT412541; MT412768; MT412986 | Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2015b), this study | ||
CBS 136425 | CMW 51321; CPC 21859 | Blephilia ciliata | Ellerbe, North Carolina, USA | T. Sharp | MT335005; MT335235; MT335475; MT359696; MT359456; MT412539; MT412766; MT412984 | Crous et al. (2013), this study | ||
B33 | Ca. densa | CMW 31182T | CBS 125261 | Soil | Las Golondrinas, Pichincha, Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT335008; MT335238; MT335478; MT359699; MT359459; N/A; MT412769; MT412987 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 31184 | CBS 125249 | Soil | Las Golondrinas, Pichincha, Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT335009; MT335239; MT335479; MT359700; MT359460; N/A; MT412770; MT412988 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B34 | Ca. duoramosa | CBS 134656T | LPF434 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Monte Dourado, Pará, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396027; KM396110; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395853; KM395940 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
LPF453 | – | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Monte Dourado, Pará, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396028; KM396111; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395854; KM395941 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B35 | Ca. ecuadorae | CMW 23677T | CBS 111406; CPC 1635 | Soil | Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT335012; MT335242; MT335482; MT359703; MT359463; MT412544; MT412773; MT412991 | Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CBS 111706 | CMW 51821; CPC 1636 | Soil | Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT335010; MT335240; MT335480; MT359701; MT359461; MT412542; MT412771; MT412989 | Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study | ||
B36 | Ca. eucalypti | CMW 18444T | CBS 125275 | E. grandis | Aek Nauli, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335013; MT335243; MT335483; MT359704; MT359464; MT412545; MT412774; MT412992 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 18445 | CBS 125276 | E. grandis | Aek Nauli, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335014; MT335244; MT335484; MT359705; MT359465; MT412546; MT412775; MT412993 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
CMW 27209 | CBS 127195 | E. dunnii | FuJian, China | M.J. Wingfield | MT335108; MT335341; MT335581; MT359802; MT359562; MT412634; MT412872; MT413084 | Chen et al. (2011), this study | ||
B37 | Ca. eucalypticola | CBS 134847T | LPF124 | Eucalyptus sp. (seedling) | Santa Barbara, Minas Gerais state, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396051; KM396134; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395877; KM395964 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134846 | LPF121 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaf) | Eunapolis, Bahia, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396050; KM396133; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395876; KM395963 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B38 | Ca. fragariae | CBS 133607T | LPP040 | Fragaria × ananassa | Santa Maria do Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil | U.P. Lopes | N/A; KM998966; KM998964; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM998963; KM998965 | Lopes et al. (2017) |
LPF141.1 | – | Fragaria × ananassa | Santa Maria do Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil | U.P. Lopes | N/A; KX500191; KX500194; N/A; N/A; N/A; KX500197; KX500195 | Lopes et al. (2017) | ||
LPF141.2 | – | Fragaria × ananassa | Santa Maria do Jetibá, Espírito Santo, Brazil | U.P. Lopes | N/A; KX500192; KX500193; N/A; N/A; N/A; KX500198; KX500196 | Lopes et al. (2017) | ||
B39 | Ca. fujianensis | CMW 27257T | CBS 127201 | E. grandis | FuJian, China | M.J. Wingfield | MT335019; MT335249; MT335489; MT359710; MT359470; MT412551; MT412780; MT412998 | Chen et al. (2011), this study |
CMW 27254 | CBS 127200 | E. grandis | FuJian, China | M.J. Wingfield | MT335020; MT335250; MT335490; MT359711; MT359471; MT412552; MT412781; MT412999 | Chen et al. (2011), this study | ||
CBS 131802 | CMW 51317; HGUP 100003 | Nymphaea tetragona | Guiyang, Guizhou, China | S.Y. Qin | MT335070; MT335302; MT335542; MT359763; MT359523; MT412599; MT412833; MT413047 | Xu et al. (2012), this study | ||
B40 | Ca. glaebicola | CBS 134852T | LPF406 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Martinho Campos, Minas Gerais, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396053; KM396136; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395879; KM395966 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134853 | LPF407 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaf) | Tocantins, Bico do Papagaio, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396054; KM396137; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395880; KM395967 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B41 | Ca. gordoniae | CMW 23694T | ATCC 201837; CBS 112142; P97-2567; STE-U 3136 | Gordonia lasianthus | Florida, USA | D. Chiappini | MT335021; MT335251; MT335491; MT359712; MT359472; MT412553; MT412782; MT413000 | Leahy et al. (2000), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
B42 | Ca. gracilipes | CBS 115674T | CMW 51227; STE-U 1153 | Soil | La Selva, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335022; MT335252; MT335492; MT359713; MT359473; MT412554; MT412783; MT413001 | Crous et al. (1997a, 2006), Crous (2002), this study |
CBS 111141 | CMW 51174; CPC 1211 | Soil | La Selva, Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335023; MT335253; MT335493; MT359714; MT359474; MT412555; MT412784; MT413002 | Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), this study | ||
B43 | Ca. gracilis | CBS 111807T | AR2677; CMW 51189; PPRI 4176; STE-U 2634 | Manilkara zapota | Pará, Brazil | F. Carneiro de Albuquerque | GQ280488; GQ267407; DQ190646; GQ280610; GQ280732; KY653390; GQ267323; AF232858 | Crous et al. (1993c, 2006), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
CBS 111284 | CMW 51175; CPC 1483 | Soil | Imbrapa, Brazil | P.W. Crous | GQ280489; GQ267408; DQ190647; GQ280611; GQ280733; KY653389; GQ267324; DQ190567 | Crous et al. (1993c, 2006), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) | ||
B44 | Ca. hawksworthii | CBS 111870T | CMW 51194; CPC 2405 | Nelumbo nucifera | Pamplemousses garden, Mauritius | A. Peerally | MT335024; MT335254; MT335494; MT359715; MT359475; MT412556; MT412785; MT413003 | Crous (2002), this study |
CMW 14878 | CBS 125277 | Eucalyptus sp. | Sulawesi, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335141; MT335378; MT335618; MT359839; MT359599; MT412670; MT412909; MT413119 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
CMW 31393 | CBS 136641 | E. urophylla × E. grandis | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou & G. Zhao | MT335017; MT335247; MT335487; MT359708; MT359468; MT412549; MT412778; MT412996 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
B45 | Ca. henricotiae | CBS 138102T | CB045 | Buxus sempervirens | Lokeren, East Flanders, Belgium | B. Gehesquiere & K. Heungens | N/A; KF815157; KF815185; JX535322; N/A; N/A; N/A; JX535308 | Gehesquiere et al. (2015) |
CB041 | – | B. sempervirens | Lokeren, East Flanders, Belgium | B. Gehesquiere & K. Heungens | N/A; KF815156; KF815184; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; KF815129 | Gehesquiere et al. (2015) | ||
B46 | Ca. heveicola | CMW 49913T | CBS 143570 | Soil (Hevea brasiliensis plantation) | Bau Bang, Binh Duong, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham, Q.N. Dang & T.Q. Pham | MT335025; MT335255; MT335495; MT359716; MT359476; N/A; MT412786; MT413004 | Pham et al. (2019), this study |
CMW 49928 | CBS 143571 | Soil | Bu Gia Map National Park, Binh Phuoc, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham, Q.N. Dang & T.Q. Pham | MT335048; MT335280; MT335520; MT359741; MT359501; MT412577; MT412811; MT413025 | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
CMW 49935 | CBS 143572 | Soil | Bu Gia Map National Park, Binh Phuoc, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham, Q.N. Dang & T.Q. Pham | MT335049; MT335281; MT335521; MT359742; MT359502; MT412578; MT412812; MT413026 | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B47 | Ca. honghensis | CERC 5572T | CBS 142885; CMW 47669 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | HongHe, YunNan, China | S.F. Chen & J.Q. Li | MT335026; MT335256; MT335496; MT359717; MT359477; MT412557; MT412787; MT413005 | Li et al. (2017), this study |
CERC 5571 | CBS 142884; CMW 47668 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | HongHe, YunNan, China | S.F. Chen & J.Q. Li | MT335027; MT335257; MT335497; MT359718; MT359478; MT412558; MT412788; MT413006 | Li et al. (2017), this study | ||
B48 | Ca. hongkongensis | CBS 114828T | CMW 51217; CPC 4670 | Soil | Hong Kong, China | M.J. Wingfield | MT335028; MT335258; MT335498; MT359719; MT359479; MT412559; MT412789; MT413007 | Crous et al. (2004), this study |
CERC 7132 | CMW 47499 | Soil | FuJian, China | S.F. Chen | MT335031; MT335261; MT335501; MT359722; MT359482; MT412562; MT412792; MT413010 | Li et al. (2017), this study | ||
B49 | Ca. humicola | CMW 31183T | CBS 125251 | Soil | Las Golondrinas, Pichincha, Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT335032; MT335262; MT335502; MT359723; MT359483; N/A; MT412793; MT413011 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 31186 | CBS 125252 | Soil | Las Golondrinas, Pichincha, Ecuador | L. Lombard | MT335033; MT335263; MT335503; MT359724; MT359484; N/A; MT412794; MT413012 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
CMW 31187 | CBS 125269 | Soil | Las Golondrinas, Pichincha, Ecuador | L. Lombard | MT335034; MT335264; MT335504; MT359725; MT359485; N/A; MT412795; MT413013 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B50 | Ca. hurae | CBS 114182 | CMW 51823; CPC 1714; UFV 216 | Rumohra adiantiformis | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT335035; MT335265; MT335505; MT359726; MT359486; MT412563; MT412796; MT413014 | Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), this study |
B51 | Ca. ilicicola | CMW 30998T | CBS 190.50; IMI 299389; STE-U 2482 | Solanum tuberosum | Bogor, Java, Indonesia | K.B. Boedijn & J. Reitsma | MT335036; MT335266; MT335506; MT359727; MT359487; MT412564; MT412797; N/A | Boedijn & Reitsma (1950), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
B52 | Ca. indonesiae | CMW 23683T | CBS 112823; CPC 4508 | Syzygium aromaticum | Warambunga, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335037; MT335267; MT335507; MT359728; MT359488; MT412565; MT412798; MT413015 | Crous et al. (2004), this study |
CBS 112840 | CMW 51205; CPC 4554 | S. aromaticum | Warambunga, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335038; MT335268; MT335508; MT359729; MT359489; MT412566; MT412799; MT413016 | Crous et al. (2004), this study | ||
B53 | Ca. indusiata | CBS 144.36T | CMW 23699 | Camellia sinensis | Sri lanka | N/A | GQ280536; GQ267453; GQ267262; GQ280658; GQ280780; KY653396; GQ267332; GQ267239 | Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
CBS 114684 | CMW 51213; CPC 2446; UFV16 | Rhododendron sp. | Florida, USA | N.E. El-Gholl | GQ280537; GQ267454; DQ190653; GQ280659; GQ280781; N/A; GQ267333; AF232862 | Crous et al. (1999, 2006), Crous (2002) | ||
B54 | Ca. insularis | CMW 30991T | CBS 114558; CPC 768 | Soil | Tamatave, Madagascar | P.W. Crous | N/A; MT335269; MT335509; MT359730; MT359490; MT412567; MT412800; MT413017 | Schoch et al. (1999), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study |
CMW 30992 | CBS 114559; CPC 954 | Soil | Conejos, Veracruz, Mexico | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; MT335270; MT335510; MT359731; MT359491; MT412568; MT412801; MT413018 | Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study | ||
B55 | Ca. kyotensis | CBS 114525T | ATCC 18834; CMW 51824; CPC 2367 | Robinia pseudoacacia | Japan | T. Terashita | MT335039; MT335271; MT335511; MT359732; MT359492; MT412569; MT412802; MT413019 | Terashita (1968), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 114550 | CMW 51825; CPC 2351 | Soil | China | M.J. Wingfield | MT335016; MT335246; MT335486; MT359707; MT359467; MT412548; MT412777; MT412995 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 114692 | ATCC18882; CMW 51826 | Prunus persica | Georgia, USA | N/A | MT335015; MT335245; MT335485; MT359706; MT359466; MT412547; MT412776; MT412994 | Sobers (1969), Crous (2002), Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study | ||
CERC 7126 | CBS 142890; CMW 47496 | Soil | FuZhou, FuJian, China | S.F. Chen | MT335121; MT335356; MT335596; MT359817; MT359577; MT412649; MT412887; MT413098 | Li et al. (2017), this study | ||
CMW 31411 | CBS 136077 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou, G. Zhao & F. Han | MT335151; MT335388; MT335628; MT359849; MT359609; N/A; MT412919; MT413126 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
B56 | Ca. lageniformis | CBS 111324T | CMW 51177; CPC 1473 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaf) | Rivière Noire, Mauritius | H. Smith | N/A; KX784574; N/A; KY653256; KY653312; KY653400; KX784702; KX784632 | Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
B57 | Ca. lantauensis | CERC 3302T | CBS 142888; CMW 47252 | Soil | LiDao, Hong Kong, China | M.J. Wingfield & S.F. Chen | MT335040; MT335272; MT335512; MT359733; MT359493; MT412570; MT412803; N/A | Li et al. (2017), this study |
CERC 3301 | CBS 142887; CMW 47251 | Soil | LiDao, Hong Kong, China | M.J. Wingfield & S.F. Chen | MT335041; MT335273; MT335513; MT359734; MT359494; N/A; MT412804; N/A | Li et al. (2017), this study | ||
B58 | Ca. lateralis | CMW 31412T | CBS 136629 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | GuangXi, China | X. Zhou, G. Zhao & F. Han | MT335042; MT335274; MT335514; MT359735; MT359495; MT412571; MT412805; MT413020 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study |
B59 | Ca. lauri sp. nov. | CMW 23682T | CBS 749.70 | Ilex aquifolium | Vijlen, Vijlenerbos, South-East Limburg, Netherlands | H.A. van der Aa | MT335043; MT335275; MT335515; MT359736; MT359496; MT412572; MT412806; MT413021 | Lechat et al. (2010), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
B60 | Ca. leguminum | CMW 23684T | CBS 728.68 | Annona squamosa | Sao Paulo, Brazil | M.B. Figueiredo | MT335044; MT335276; MT335516; MT359737; MT359497; MT412573; MT412807; MT413022 | Figueiredo & Namekata (1967), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
B61 | Ca. leucothoes | CMW 30977T | ATCC 64824; CBS 109166; CPC 2385; P88-490 | Leucothoe axillaris | Florida, USA | N.E. El-Gholl | MT335045; MT335277; MT335517; MT359738; MT359498; MT412574; MT412808; N/A | El-Gholl et al. (1989), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2015a), this study |
B62 | Ca. lichi | CERC 8866T | – | Soil | HeNan, China | S.F. Chen | MT335046; MT335278; MT335518; MT359739; MT359499; MT412575; MT412809; MT413023 | Liu & Chen (2017), this study |
CERC 8850 | – | Soil | HeNan, China | S.F. Chen | MT335047; MT335279; MT335519; MT359740; MT359500; MT412576; MT412810; MT413024 | Liu & Chen (2017), this study | ||
B63 | Ca. lombardiana sp. nov. | CMW 30602T | CBS 112634; CPC 4233; Lynfield 417 | Xanthorrhoea australis | Victoria, Australia | T. Baigent | MT335156; MT335395; MT335635; MT359856; MT359616; MT412686; MT412926; MT413133 | Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010c), this study |
B64 | Ca. macroconidialis | CBS 114880T | CMW 51219; CPC 307; PPRI 4000 | E. grandis | Sabie, Mpumalanga, South Africa | P.W. Crous | MT335050; MT335282; MT335522; MT359743; MT359503; MT412579; MT412813; MT413027 | Crous et al. (1993c), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CBS 110798 | CMW 51817; CPC 410 | E. grandis (roots) | Sabie, Mpumalanga, South Africa | P.W. Crous | MT335051; MT335283; MT335523; MT359744; MT359504; MT412580; MT412814; MT413028 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B65 | Ca. madagascariensis | CMW 23686T | CBS 114572; CPC 2252 | Soil | Rona, Madagascar | J.E. Taylor | MT335052; MT335284; MT335524; MT359745; MT359505; MT412581; MT412815; MT413029 | Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 30993 | CBS 114571; CPC 2253 | Soil | Rona, Madagascar | J.E. Taylor | MT335053; MT335285; MT335525; MT359746; MT359506; MT412582; MT412816; MT413030 | Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B66 | Ca. malesiana | CMW 23687T | CBS 112752; CPC 4223 | Soil | Northern Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335054; MT335286; MT335526; MT359747; MT359507; MT412583; MT412817; MT413031 | Crous et al. (2004), this study |
CBS 112710 | CMW 51199; CPC 3899 | Leaf litter | Prathet, Thailand | N.L. Hywel-Jones | MT335055; MT335287; MT335527; MT359748; MT359508; MT412584; MT412818; MT413032 | Crous et al. (2004), this study | ||
B67 | Ca. maranhensis | CBS 134811T | LPF142 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaf) | Açailandia, Maranhao, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396035; KM396118; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395861; KM395948 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134812 | LPF143 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaf) | Açailandia, Maranhao, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396036; KM396119; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395862; KM395949 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B68 | Ca. metrosideri | CBS 133603T | LPF101 | Metrosideros polymorpha | Viçosa, Minas Gerais state, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KC294304; KC294307; N/A; N/A; N/A; KC294310; KC294313 | Alfenas et al. (2013a, 2015) |
CBS 133604 | CMW 51320; LPF103 | Metrosideros polymorpha | Viçosa, Minas Gerais state, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | MT335056; MT335288; MT335528; MT359749; MT359509; MT412585; MT412819; MT413033 | Alfenas et al. (2013a, 2015), this study | ||
B69 | Ca. mexicana | CBS 110918T | CMW 9055; STE-U 927 | Soil | Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico | M.J. Wingfield | GQ280474; GQ267396; FJ972460; GQ280596; GQ280718; KY653412; FJ972526; AF210863 | Schoch et al. (1999), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
B70 | Ca. monticola | CBS 140645T | CPC 28835 | Soil | Chiang Mai, Thailand | P.W. Crous | N/A; KT964771; N/A; KT964775; KT983443; N/A; KT964773; KT964769 | Crous et al. (2015) |
CPC 28836 | – | Soil | Chiang Mai, Thailand | P.W. Crous | N/A; KT964772; N/A; KT964776; KT983444; N/A; KT964774; KT964770 | Crous et al. (2015) | ||
B71 | Ca. multilateralis | CBS 110932T | CMW 51171; CPC 957 | Soil | Uxmal, Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335060; MT335292; MT335532; MT359753; MT359513; MT412589; MT412823; MT413037 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 110926 | CMW 51168; CPC 947 | Soil | Uxmal, Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335061; MT335293; MT335533; MT359754; MT359514; MT412590; MT412824; MT413038 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 110927 | CMW 51169; CPC 948 | Soil | Uxmal, Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335062; MT335294; MT335534; MT359755; MT359515; MT412591; MT412825; MT413039 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B72 | Ca. multinaviculata | CBS 134858T | LPF233 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil | E. Zauza | N/A; KM396072; KM396155; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395898; KM395985 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134859 | LPF418 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Monte Dourado, Pará, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396073; KM396156; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395899; KM395986 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B73 | Ca. multiphialidica | CMW 23688T | Cam 13; CBS 112678 | Soil (roots of Musa sp.) | Cameroon | Abadie | MT335066; MT335298; MT335538; MT359759; MT359519; MT412595; MT412829; MT413043 | Crous et al. (2004), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
B74 | Ca. multiseptata | CMW 23692T | CBS 112682; CPC 1589 | E. grandis | North Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335067; MT335299; MT335539; MT359760; MT359520; MT412596; MT412830; MT413044 | Crous et al. (1998, 2006), Crous (2002), this study |
B75 | Ca. naviculata | CBS 101121T | CMW 30974 | Leaf litter | Joao Pessoa, Brazil | R.F. Castaneda | GQ280478; GQ267399; GQ267252; GQ280600; GQ280722; KM232309; GQ267317; GQ267211 | Lombard et al. (2010a, 2015b) |
CBS 116080 | CMW 16723; STE-U 627 | Soil | Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil | M.J. Wingfield | GQ280477; GQ267398; GQ267251; GQ280599; GQ280721; KY653417; GQ267316; AF333409 | Crous et al. (1997a), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) | ||
B76 | Ca. nemoricola | CBS 134837T | LPF085 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas & P.W. Crous | N/A; KM396066; KM396149; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395892; KM395979 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134838 | LPF090 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas & P.W. Crous | N/A; KM396067; KM396150; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395893; KM395980 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B77 | Ca. octoramosa | CBS 111423T | CMW 51819; CPC 1650 | Soil | Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT335071; MT335303; MT335543; MT359764; MT359524; MT412600; MT412834; MT413048 | Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study |
B78 | Ca. orientalis | CMW 20291T | CBS 125260 | Soil | Langam, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335072; MT335304; MT335544; MT359765; MT359525; MT412601; MT412835; MT413049 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 20273 | CBS 125259 | Soil | Teso East, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335073; MT335305; MT335545; MT359766; MT359526; MT412602; MT412836; MT413050 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B79 | Ca. ovata | CMW 16724T | CBS 111299; ATCC 76225; UFV 89 | E. urophylla | Monte Dourado, Pará, Brazil | N.E. El-Gholl | MT335075; MT335307; MT335547; MT359768; MT359528; N/A; MT412838; MT413052 | El-Gholl et al. (1993a), Crous (2002), Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study |
CMW 30979 | CBS 111307; UFV 90 | E. tereticornis | Tucuruí, Pará, Brazil | P.W. Crous | MT335076; MT335308; MT335548; MT359769; MT359529; N/A; MT412839; MT413053 | Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
CBS 111301 | CMW 51176; CPC 1429 | E. tereticornis | Tucuruí, Pará, Brazil | P.W. Crous | MT335077; MT335309; MT335549; MT359770; MT359530; N/A; MT412840; MT413054 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 114755 | CMW 51827; CPC 1403 | E. tereticornis | Tucuruí, Pará, Brazil | P.W. Crous | MT335078; MT335310; MT335550; MT359771; MT359531; N/A; MT412841; MT413055 | Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study | ||
CBS 116249 | CMW 51829; CPC 3533 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Brazil | P.W. Crous | MT335074; MT335306; MT335546; MT359767; MT359527; MT412603; MT412837; MT413051 | Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study | ||
B80 | Ca. pacifica | CMW 16726T | A1568; CBS 109063; IMI 354528; STE-U 2534 | Araucaria heterophylla | Hawaii, USA | M. Aragaki | MT335079; MT335311; MT335551; MT359772; MT359532; MT412604; MT412842; N/A | Kang et al. (2001b), Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2004), this study |
CMW 30988 | CBS 114038 | Ipomoea aquatica | Auckland, New Zealand | C.F. Hill | MT335080; MT335312; MT335552; MT359773; MT359533; MT412605; MT412843; N/A | Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2004), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study | ||
B81 | Ca. paracolhounii | CBS 114679T | CMW 51212; CPC 2445 | N/A | USA | A.Y. Rossman | N/A; KX784582; N/A; KY653268; KY653324; KY653423; KX784714; KX784644 | Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
CBS 114705 | CMW 51215; CPC 2423 | Annona reticulata (fruit) | Australia | D. Hutton | N/A; N/A; N/A; KY653269; KY653325; KY653424; KX784715; KX784645 | Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) | ||
B82 | Ca. paraensis | CBS 134669T | LPF430 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Monte Dourado, Pará, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396011; KM396094; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395837; KM395924 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
LPF429 | – | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Monte Dourado, Pará, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396015; KM396098; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395841; KM395928 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
CBS 134664 | LPF217 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil | E. Zauza | N/A; KM396017; KM396100; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395843; KM395930 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B83 | Ca. parvispora | CBS 111465T | CPC 1902 | Soil | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT335082; MT335314; MT335554; MT359775; MT359535; MT412607; MT412845; MT413057 | Marin-Felix et al. (2017), this study |
CMW 30981 | CBS 111478; CPC 1921 | Soil | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT335081; MT335313; MT335553; MT359774; MT359534; MT412606; MT412844; MT413056 | Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study | ||
B84 | Ca. pauciphialidica sp. nov. | CMW 30980T | CBS 111394; CPC 1628 | Soil | Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | MT335083; MT335315; MT335555; MT359776; MT359536; MT412608; MT412846; MT413058 | Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
B85 | Ca. pauciramosa | CBS 138824T | CMW 5683; CPC 971 | Soil | Knysna, South Africa | P.W. Crous | MT335093; MT335325; MT335565; MT359786; MT359546; MT412618; MT412856; MT413068 | Schoch et al. (1999), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CMW 9151 | – | A. mearnsii | South Africa | L. Lombard | MT335096; MT335328; MT335568; MT359789; MT359549; MT412621; MT412859; MT413071 | Lombard et al. (2010b), this study | ||
CBS 111812 | CMW 51190; CPC 2631 | Cliffordia feruginea | George, Western Cape Province, South Africa | P.W. Crous | MT335084; MT335316; MT335556; MT359777; MT359537; MT412609; MT412847; MT413059 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 114458 | CMW 51211; CPC 2019 | Erica capensis | California, USA | S.T. Koike | MT335087; MT335319; MT335559; MT359780; MT359540; MT412612; MT412850; MT413062 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 123183 | CMW 51311; CPC 15378 | Machaerina sinclairii | Auckland University Campus, Auckland, New Zealand | C.F. Hill | MT335090; MT335322; MT335562; MT359783; MT359543; MT412615; MT412853; MT413065 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 123402 | CMW 30872 | Arbutus unedo | Carrubba, Sicily, Italy | G. Polizzi | MT335099; MT335331; MT335571; MT359792; MT359552; MT412624; MT412862; MT413074 | Lombard et al. (2010b), this study | ||
CBS 137243 | CMW 36327 | E. grandis × E. camaldulensis | Bandula, Manica, Mozambique | J. Roux & S. Maússe-Sitoe | MT335091; MT335323; MT335563; MT359784; MT359544; MT412616; MT412854; MT413066 | Crous et al. (2013), Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CMW 9188 | CBS 125268 | E. grandis | Kwambonambi, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | L. Lombard | MT335159; MT335398; MT335638; MT359859; MT359619; MT412689; MT412929; MT413136 | Lombard et al. (2010b), this study | ||
CMW 31450 | CBS 136632; CERC 1785 | E. urophylla × E. grandis | ZhanJiang, GuangDong, China | G. Zhao | MT335102; MT335334; MT335574; MT359795; MT359555; MT412627; MT412865; MT413077 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CMW 31474 | CBS 136635; CERC 1809 | E. urophylla × E. grandis | ZhanJiang, GuangDong, China | G. Zhao | MT335104; MT335336; MT335576; MT359797; MT359557; MT412629; MT412867; MT413079 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
B86 | Ca. penicilloides | CMW 23696T | CBS 174.55; STE-U 2388 | Prunus sp. | Hatizyo Island, Japan | M. Ookubu | MT335106; MT335338; MT335578; MT359799; MT359559; MT412631; MT412869; MT413081 | Tubaki (1958), Crous (2002), this study |
B87 | Ca. piauiensis | CBS 134850T | LPF377 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Teresina, Piauí, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396060; KM396143; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395886; KM395973 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134851 | LPF381 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Teresina, Piauí, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396061; KM396144; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395887; KM395974 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B88 | Ca. pini | CMW 31209T | CBS 123698 | Pinus patula | Buga, Valle del Cauca, Colombia | C.A. Rodas | MT335107; MT335339; MT335579; MT359800; MT359560; MT412632; MT412870; MT413082 | Lombard et al. (2010a), this study |
CBS 125523 | CMW 31210 | Pinus patula | Buga, Valle del Cauca, Colombia | C.A. Rodas | GQ280518; GQ267437; GQ267274; GQ280640; GQ280762; N/A; GQ267345; GQ267225 | Lombard et al. (2010a) | ||
B89 | Ca. plurilateralis | CBS 111401T | CMW 51178; CPC 1637 | Soil | Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; MT335340; MT335580; MT359801; MT359561; MT412633; MT412871; MT413083 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
B90 | Ca. propaginicola | CBS 134815T | LPF220 | Eucalyptus sp. (seedling) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396040; KM396123; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395866; KM395953 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134816 | LPF222 | Eucalyptus sp. (seedling) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396041; KM396124; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395867; KM395954 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
CBS 134824 | LPF367 | Eucalyptus sp. (seedling) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396049; KM396132; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395875; KM395962 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B91 | Ca. pseudobrassicae | CBS 134662T | LPF280 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396023; KM396106; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395849; KM395936 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134661 | LPF260 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396022; KM396105; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395848; KM395935 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B92 | Ca. pseudoecuadoriae | CBS 111402T | CMW 51179; CPC 1639 | Soil | Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; KX784589; N/A; KY653273; KY653329; KY653432; KX784723; KX784652 | Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
B93 | Ca. pseudometrosideri | CBS 134845T | LPF210 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil | M.M. Coutinho | N/A; KM395995; KM396083; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395821; KM395909 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134843 | LPF100 | Metrosideros polymorpha | Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM395993; KM396081; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395819; KM395907 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B94 | Ca. pseudomexicana | CBS 130354T | CMW 51313; DISTEF-TCROU1 | Callistemon sp. | Tunis, Carthage, Tunisia | G. Polizzi | MT335110; MT335343; MT335583; MT359804; MT359564; MT412636; MT412874; MT413086 | Lombard et al. (2011), this study |
CBS 130355 | CMW 51314; DISTEF-TCROU3 | Callistemon sp. | Tunis, Carthage, Tunisia | G. Polizzi | MT335111; MT335344; MT335584; MT359805; MT359565; MT412637; MT412875; MT413087 | Lombard et al. (2011), this study | ||
CBS 130357 | CMW 51316; DISTEF-TCL1 | Ca. laevis | Tunis, Carthage, Tunisia | G. Polizzi | MT335149; MT335386; MT335626; MT359847; MT359607; MT412678; MT412917; MT413124 | Lombard et al. (2011), this study | ||
B95 | Ca. pseudonaviculata | CBS 116251T | CMW 51235; CPC 3399; Lynfield 824 | Buxus sempervirens | Kumeu, West Auckland, New Zealand | R. MacDiarmid | N/A; MT335345; MT335585; MT359806; MT359566; MT412638; MT412876; MT413088 | Crous et al. (2002), Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CMW 23672 | CBS 114417; CPC 10926 | B. sempervirens | New Zealand | C. Crepel | N/A; MT335346; MT335586; MT359807; MT359567; MT412639; MT412877; MT413089 | Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study | ||
B96 | Ca. pseudopteridis | CBS 163.28T | CMW 51159; IMI 299579 | Washingtonia robusta | USA | C.D. Sherbakoff | MT335112; MT335347; MT335587; MT359808; MT359568; MT412640; MT412878; N/A | Sherbakoff (1928), Alfenas et al. (2015), Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
B97 | Ca. pseudoreteaudii | CMW 25310T | CBS 123694 | E. urophylla × E. grandis | GuangDong, China | M.J. Wingfield & X.D. Zhou | MT335119; MT335354; MT335594; MT359815; MT359575; MT412647; MT412885; MT413096 | Lombard et al. (2010c), this study |
CMW 25292 | CBS 123696 | E. urophylla × E. grandis | GuangDong, China | M.J. Wingfield & X.D. Zhou | MT335120; MT335355; MT335595; MT359816; MT359576; MT412648; MT412886; MT413097 | Lombard et al. (2010c), this study | ||
CMW 31487 | CBS 136638; CERC 1822 | E. urophylla × E. grandis | ZhanJiang, GuangDong, China | G. Zhao | MT335113; MT335348; MT335588; MT359809; MT359569; MT412641; MT412879; MT413090 | Lombard et al. (2015a), this study | ||
CBS 133349 | CMW 51318 | Eucalyptus hybrid | Hanoi, Bavi, Vietnam | P.Q. Thu | MT335117; MT335352; MT335592; MT359813; MT359573; MT412645; MT412883; MT413094 | Crous et al. (2012), this study | ||
B98 | Ca. pseudospathiphylli | CBS 109165T | CMW 30976; CPC 1623 | Soil | Ecuador | M.J. Wingfield | GQ280493; GQ267412; AF348241; GQ280615; GQ280737; KY653435; FJ918562; FJ918513 | Kang et al. (2001b), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, c), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
B99 | Ca. pseudospathulata | CBS 134841T | LPF072 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas & P.W. Crous | N/A; KM396070; KM396153; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395896; KM395983 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134840 | LPF066 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas & P.W. Crous | N/A; KM396069; KM396152; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395895; KM395982 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B100 | Ca. pseudouxmalensis | CBS 110924T | CMW 51166; CPC 942 | Soil | Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335123; MT335358; MT335598; MT359819; MT359579; MT412651; MT412889; MT413100 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 110923 | CMW 51165; CPC 941 | Soil | Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335124; MT335359; MT335599; MT359820; MT359580; MT412652; MT412890; MT413101 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 115677 | CMW 51228; CPC 943 | Soil | Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335125; MT335360; MT335600; MT359821; MT359581; MT412653; MT412891; MT413102 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B101 | Ca. pseudovata | CBS 134674T | LPF267 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396032; KM396115; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395858; KM395945 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134675 | LPF285 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396033; KM396116; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395859; KM395946 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B102 | Ca. pteridis | CBS 111793T | ATCC 34395; CMW 16736; CPC 2372 | Arachniodes adiantiformis | USA | F. Schickedanz | GQ280494; GQ267413; DQ190679; GQ280616; GQ280738; KY653438; FJ918563; DQ190578 | Crous et al. (1993c, 2006), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) |
B103 | Ca. putriramosa | CBS 111449T | CMW 51181; CPC 1951 | Eucalyptus cutting | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT335129; MT335364; MT335604; MT359825; MT359585; MT412657; MT412895; MT413105 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 111470 | CMW 51182; CPC 1940 | Soil | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT335130; MT335365; MT335605; MT359826; MT359586; MT412658; MT412896; MT413106 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
CBS 111477 | CMW 51183; CPC 1928 | Soil | Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | MT335131; MT335366; MT335606; MT359827; MT359587; MT412659; MT412897; MT413107 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B104 | Ca. queenslandica | CMW 30604T | CBS 112146; CPC 3213 | E. urophylla | Lannercost, Queensland, Australia | B. Brown | MT335132; MT335367; MT335607; MT359828; MT359588; MT412660; MT412898; MT413108 | Kang et al. (2001a), Lombard et al. (2010c), this study |
CMW 30603 | CBS 112155; CPC 3210 | E. pellita | Lannercost, Queensland, Australia | P.Q Thu & K.M. Old | MT335133; MT335368; MT335608; MT359829; MT359589; MT412661; MT412899; MT413109 | Kang et al. (2001a), Lombard et al. (2010c), this study | ||
CMW 30601 | CBS 112151; CPC 3202; DFRI00150 | E. urophylla | Cardwell, Queensland, Australia | C. Hanwood | MT335134; MT335369; MT335609; MT359830; MT359590; MT412662; MT412900; MT413110 | Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2010c), this study | ||
B105 | Ca. quinqueramosa | CBS 134654T | LPF065 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Monte Dourado, Pará, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396029; KM396112; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395855; KM395942 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134655 | LPF281 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Santana, Pará, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas | N/A; KM396030; KM396113; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395856; KM395943 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B106 | Ca. reteaudii | CMW 30984T | CBS 112144; CPC 3201 | E. camaldulensis | Chon Thanh, Binh Phuoc, Vietnam | M.J. Dudzinski & P.Q. Thu | MT335135; MT335370; MT335610; MT359831; MT359591; MT412663; MT412901; MT413111 | Kang et al. (2001a), Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), this study |
CMW 16738 | CBS 112143; CPC 3200 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaves) | Binh Phuoc, Vietnam | M.J. Dudzinski & P.Q. Thu | MT335136; MT335371; MT335611; MT359832; MT359592; MT412664; MT412902; MT413112 | Kang et al. (2001a), Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), this study | ||
CMW 47410 | CBS 143563 | E. urophylla (leaf) | Bavi, Hanoi, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT334966; MT335193; MT335433; MT359654; MT359414; MT412497; MT412724; N/A | Pham et al. (2019), this study | ||
B107 | Ca. robigophila | CBS 134652T | LPF192 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaf) | Açailandia, Maranhao, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396024; KM396107; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395850; KM395937 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134653 | LPF193 | Eucalyptus sp. (leaf) | Açailandia, Maranhao, Brazil | R.F. Alfenas | N/A; KM396025; KM396108; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395851; KM395938 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
B108 | Ca. rumohrae | CMW 23697T | CBS 111431; CPC 1716; UFV 218 | Rumohra adiantiformis | Volkan, Panama | J.W. Miller & R.M. leahy | MT335137; MT335372; MT335612; MT359833; MT359593; N/A; MT412903; MT413113 | El-Gholl et al. (1997), Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), this study |
CMW 30989 | CBS 109062; CPC 1603 | Adiantum sp. | The Netherlands | R. Pieters | MT335138; MT335373; MT335613; MT359834; MT359594; MT412665; MT412904; MT413114 | El-Gholl et al. (1997), Crous (2002), Crous et al. (2006), this study | ||
B109 | Ca. silvicola | CBS 135237T | LPF081 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas & P.W. Crous | N/A; KM396065; KM396148; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395891; KM395978 | Alfenas et al. (2015) |
CBS 134836 | LPF079 | Soil (tropical rainforest) | Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil | A.C. Alfenas & P.W. Crous | N/A; KM396062; KM396145; N/A; N/A; N/A; KM395888; KM395975 | Alfenas et al. (2015) | ||
Calonectria sp. | CBS 112152 | CPC 3203 | E. camaldulensis | Vietnam | N/A | N/A; KX784602; N/A; KY653291; KY653347; KY653463; KX784745; KX784672 | Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) | |
Calonectria sp. | CBS 112753 | CPC 4225 | N/A | Indonesia | N/A | N/A; KX784598; N/A; KY653292; KY653348; KY653464; KX784740; KX784667 | Lombard et al. (2016), Marin-Felix et al. (2017) | |
B110 | Ca. spathiphylli | CMW 16742T | ATCC 44730; CBS 114540; STE-U 2185 | Spathiphyllum sp. | Florida, USA | C.L. Schoulties | N/A; MT335374; MT335614; MT359835; MT359595; MT412666; MT412905; MT413115 | El-Gholl et al. (1992), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study |
CMW 30997 | CBS 116168; CPC 789 | Spathiphyllum sp. | Switzerland | L. Petrini | N/A; MT335375; MT335615; MT359836; MT359596; MT412667; MT412906; MT413116 | El-Gholl et al. (1992), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B111 | Ca. spathulata | CMW 16744T | CBS 555.92 | E. viminalis | Brazil | N.E. El-Gholl | MT335139; MT335376; MT335616; MT359837; MT359597; MT412668; MT412907; MT413117 | Crous & Kang (2001), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 112513 | CMW 51197; CPC 3851 | Eucalyptus sp. | Colombia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335140; MT335377; MT335617; MT359838; MT359598; MT412669; MT412908; MT413118 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B112 | Ca. sumatrensis | CMW 23698T | CBS 112829; CPC 4518 | Soil | Northern Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335145; MT335382; MT335622; MT359843; MT359603; MT412674; MT412913; N/A | Crous et al. (2004), this study |
CMW 30987 | CBS 112934; CPC 4516 | Soil | Northern Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335146; MT335383; MT335623; MT359844; MT359604; MT412675; MT412914; N/A | Crous et al. (2004), this study | ||
CBS 112936 | CMW 51207; CPC 4504 | Soil | Northern Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | MT335143; MT335380; MT335620; MT359841; MT359601; MT412672; MT412911; N/A | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B113 | Ca. syzygiicola | CBS 112831T | CMW 51204; CPC 4511 | Syzygium aromaticum | Sumatra, Indonesia | M.J. Wingfield | N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; KX784736; KX784663 | Lombard et al. (2016) |
B114 | Ca. terricola | CBS 116247T | CMW 51232; CPC 3583 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Brazil | P.W. Crous | N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; KX784738; KX784665 | Lombard et al. (2016) |
B115 | Ca. tonkinensis | CMW 47430T | CBS 143576 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | Bavi, Hanoi, Vietnam | N.Q. Pham & T.Q. Pham | MT335147; MT335384; MT335624; MT359845; MT359605; MT412676; MT412915; MT413122 | Pham et al. (2019), this study |
B116 | Ca. uniseptata | CBS 413.67T | CMW 23678; CPC 2391; IMI 299577 | Paphiopedilum callosum | Celle, Germany | W. Gerlach | GQ280451; GQ267379; GQ267248; GQ280573; GQ280695; N/A; GQ267307; GQ267208 | Lombard et al. (2016) |
B117 | Ca. uxmalensis | CBS 110925T | CMW 51167; CPC 945 | Soil | Uxmal, Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335153; MT335390; MT335630; MT359851; MT359611; MT412681; MT412921; MT413128 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
CBS 110919 | CMW 51164; CPC 928 | Soil | Uxmal, Mexico | P.W. Crous | MT335154; MT335391; MT335631; MT359852; MT359612; MT412682; MT412922; MT413129 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study | ||
B118 | Ca. variabilis | CMW 3187T | AR2675; CBS 114677; CPC 2436 | Schefflera morototoni | Pará, Brazil | F.C. de Albuquerque | N/A; MT335392; MT335632; MT359853; MT359613; MT412683; MT412923; MT413130 | Crous et al. (1993b), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study |
CMW 2914 | CBS 112691; CPC 2506 | Theobroma grandiflorum | Pará, Brazil | F. Carneiro | N/A; MT335393; MT335633; MT359854; MT359614; MT412684; MT412924; MT413131 | Crous et al. (1993b), Crous (2002), Lombard et al. (2010a, 2016), this study | ||
B119 | Ca. venezuelana | CBS 111052T | CMW 51173; CPC 1183 | Soil | Acarigua, Venezuela | M.J. Wingfield | MT335155; MT335394; MT335634; MT359855; MT359615; MT412685; MT412925; MT413132 | Lombard et al. (2016), this study |
B120 | Ca. yunnanensis | CERC 5339T | CBS 142897; CMW 47644 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | YunNan, China | S.F. Chen & J.Q. Li | MT335157; MT335396; MT335636; MT359857; MT359617; MT412687; MT412927; MT413134 | Li et al. (2017), this study |
CERC 5337 | CBS 142895; CMW 47642 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | YunNan, China | S.F. Chen & J.Q. Li | MT335158; MT335397; MT335637; MT359858; MT359618; MT412688; MT412928; MT413135 | Li et al. (2017), this study | ||
CERC 5376 | CBS 142892; CMW 47655 | Soil (Eucalyptus plantation) | PuEr, YunNan, China | S.F. Chen & J.Q. Li | MT335126; MT335361; MT335601; MT359822; MT359582; MT412654; MT412892; MT413103 | Li et al. (2017), this study | ||
Curvicladiella cignea | CBS 109167T | CPC 1595; MUCL 40269 | Decaying leaf | French Guiana | C. Decock | KM231122; KM231287; KM231461; AF220973; AY793431; KM232311; KM231867; KM232002 | Decock & Crous (1998), Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2015b) | |
CBS 109168 | CPC 1594; MUCL 40268 | Decaying seed | French Guiana | C. Decock | KM231121; KM231286; KM231460; KM231745; JQ666074; KM232312; KM231868; KM232003 | Decock & Crous (1998), Crous et al. (2006), Lombard et al. (2015b) |
Codes (B1 to B120) of the 120 accepted Calonectria species resulting from the present study.
One hundred and twenty accepted species resulting from the present study.
Key isolates of the 120 Calonectria species after revision.
T: ex-type isolates of the Calonectria species after revision.
AR: Amy Y. Rossman working collection; ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Virginia, USA; CBS: Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CERC: China Eucalypt Research Centre, ZhanJiang, GuangDong Province, China; CMW: Culture collection of the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa; CPC: Pedro Crous working collection housed at Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute; HGUP: Plant Pathology Herbarium of Gui Zhou University, GuiYang 550025, China; IMI: International Mycological Institute, CABI Bioscience, Egham, Bakeham Lane, UK; LPF: Laboratorio de Patologia Florestal, Universidade Federal de Viçsa, Viçsa, Brazil; MUCL: Mycotheque, Laboratoire de Mycologie Systematique st Appliqee, I’Universite, Louvian-la-Neuve, Belgium; PPRI: Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria, South Africa; STE-U: Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; UFV: Universidade Federal de Viçsa, Viçsa, Brazil.
act: actin; cmdA: calmodulin; his3: histone H3; ITS: the internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 and the 5.8S gene of the ribosomal RNA; LSU: 28S large subunit RNA gene; rpb2: the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase; tef1: translation elongation factor 1-alpha; tub2: β-tubulin.
GenBank accession number obtained in this study are in bold.
N/A: information are not available.