Helps me attain desirable positions |
Is someone I can confide in |
Uses their influence in the organization for my benefit |
Provides support and encouragement |
Uses their influence to support my advancement |
Is someone I can trust |
Suggests specific strategies for achieving career goals |
Frequently socialize one on one outside the work setting |
Gives me advice on how to attain recognition |
Frequently get together informally after work by ourselves |
Helps me learn about other parts of the organization |
Serves as a role model for me |
“Runs interference” for me |
Represents who I want to be |
Shields me from damaging contact with important people in the organization |
Is someone I identify with |
Protects me from those who are out to get me |
Guides my personal development |
Provides me with challenging assignments |
Serves as a sounding board for me to develop and understand myself |
Assigns me tasks that push me to develop new skills |
Guides my professional development |
Gives me tasks that require me to learn new skills |
Accepts me as a competent professional |
Helps me be more visible in the organization |
Thinks highly of me |
Creates opportunities for me to impress important people in the organization |
Sees me as competent |
Brings my accomplishments to the attention of important people in the organization |