How much are you exposed to excessive noise on board? |
Very much |
Much |
Little |
Very little |
Not at all |
What exactly is the source of the noise that is disturbing you in your workplace? |
How much does the noise disturb you while you are resting or sleeping on ship? |
Very much |
Much |
Little |
Very little |
Not at all |
What exactly is the source of the noise that is disturbing you while you are resting? |
Are you exposed to vibration due to noise? |
Yes |
No |
I do not know |
Based on the attached decibel level comparison table, estimate how much noise intensity (in dB) you are exposed to on board:
in working hours
during rest
dB |
dB |
How much does noise interfere with your work? |
Very much |
Much |
Little |
Very little |
Not at all |
How much does the noise distract you during your rest hours? |
Very much |
Much |
Little |
Very little |
Not at all |
Do you use noise protection equipment? |
Always |
Sometimes |
Never |
Have you ever considered leaving the ship due to noise? |
Yes |
No |
I do not know |
Do you think you should have a salary supplement due to noise? |
Yes |
No |
I do not know |
If the answer to the previous question is YES, what salary supplement (in percentage) do you think you should receive? |
1% |
5% |
10% |
15% |
Explain why you chose that answer to the previous question? |
If you were thinking about getting off the ship what would be the reasons? |
Just due to noise |
Due to noise and other reasons |
I would not go though |
I do not know |
What do you think is the bigger environmental problem in maritime transport? |
Air pollution |
Noise |