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. 2021 Jun 21;18(12):6651. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18126651

Table 1.

Studies included in the review.

Authors, Year of Publication Material Country Funder Main Objective
Van der Toorn, 2018 in vitro
epithelial cells
Switzerland dependent functional and molecular changes in human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells following a 12-week exposure to total particulate matter (TPM) from the aerosol of a candidate modified-risk tobacco product (cMRTP) in comparison with those following exposure to TPM from the 3R4F reference cigarette.
Sohal, 2019 in vitro
human bronchial epithelial cells,
human airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells
Australia independent exposure to IQOS has the same damaging effect on human airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells as traditional tobacco cigarette and eCigs in vitro.
Miyashita, 2018 human
in vivo
human airway epithelial cells
UK independent e-cigarette vapour increases pneumococcal adhesion to airway cells.
Malinska, 2018 in vitro
human bronchial epithelial cells
Poland dependent assessment of mitochondrial function following short- and long-term exposure of human bronchial epithelial cells to total particulate matter from a candidate modified-risk tobacco product and reference cigarettes.
Leigh, 2018 in vitro
human bronchial epithelial cells
US independent the potential toxic effects of inhaling emissions from an HTP in comparison with electronic and combustible tobacco cigarettes.
Walczak, 2020 in vitro
human bronchial epithelial cells
Poland dependent morphology and dynamics of the mitochondrial network in human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to total particulate matter (TPM) generated from 3R4F reference cigarette smoke and from aerosol from a new candidate modified risk tobacco product, the Tobacco Heating System (THS 2.2).
Adriaens, 2018 human Belgium independent to investigate the effect of using an IQOS™ on eCO, acute cigarette craving, withdrawal symptoms and subjective positive and negative experiences after overnight smoking abstinence, compared to using an e-cigarette or a regular tobacco cigarette; and to investigate which product (e-cigarette or IQOS™) would be preferred.
Kamada, 2016 human
case report
Japan independent report the first case of AEP caused by smoking HC
Aokage, 2019 human
case report
Japan independent report a successfully treated case of fatal AEP, presumably induced by HNBC use.
Tabuchi, 2018 human Japan independent to assess interest in HnB tobacco products (including IQOS, Ploom and Glo), its prevalence in 2015, 2016 and 2017, to examine the symptoms from exposure to secondhand HNB tobacco aerosol in Japan.
Lee, 2019 human Korea independent assessment of association of the HnB’s use with perceived stress, physical activity and internet use.
Lopez, 2016 human US independent to expand existing clinical laboratory methods to examine, in cigarette smokers, the acute effects of a “heat, not burn” “loose-leaf tobacco vaporizer” (LLTV).
Poussin, 2016 in vitro
human endothelial cells
Switzerland dependent to compare the biological impact of aqueous extracts from a candidate MRTP, Tobacco Heating System (THS) 2.2 (electrically-heated tobacco technology), and the 3R4F reference cigarette on monocytic cell-HCAEC adhesion combining functional measurements from an in vitro adhesion assay with transcriptomics and inflammatory protein marker data to investigate changes at the molecular level.
Van der Toorn, 2015 in vitro
monocytic cell line and human coronary arterial endothelial cells
Switzerland dependent the effect from a new candidate modified risk tobacco product, the tobacco heating system (THS) 2.2, on the migratory behavior of monocytes in comparison with combustible 3R4F reference cigarettes.
Lüdicke, 2018 human Japan dependent risk markers of smoking-related diseases.
Haziza, 2020a human US dependent the exposure reduction to selected HPHCs in smokers switching to menthol Tobacco Heating System (mTHS) 2.2 compared with smokers continuing smoking menthol cigarettes (mCCs) and smoking abstinence (SA).
Haziza, 2020b human US dependent offering an alternative to cigarettes for smokers while substantially reducing the exposure to harmful and potentially harmful constituents found in cigarette smoke.
Haziza, 2016a human Japan dependent demonstrate exposure reduction to a selected set of HPHCs when switching from CCs to THS 2.2, as compared to continued CC use and smoking abstinence (SA) for five days.
Lüdicke, 2016 human Poland dependent to investigate the effects of exposure to selected harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) of cigarette smoke in adult smokers who switched to a carbon-heated tobacco product (CHTP), compared with adult smokers who continued to smoke CCs and those who abstained from smoking for five days.
Lüdicke, 2017 human Switzerland dependent examined whether the levels of selected biomarkers of exposure were reduced in smokers who switched from CCs to THS 2.1, as compared to smokers that continued to smoke CCs.
Lüdicke, 2018 human Japan dependent examined the impact of switching to mTHS on biomarkers of exposure to HPHCs relative to menthol CCs (mCCs) and smoking abstinence (SA).
Ogden, 2015 human US dependent evaluation of biomarkers of biological effect (e.g., inflammation, lipids, hypercoaguable state).
Biondi-Zoccai, 2019 human Italy independent to appraise the acute effects of single use of HNBC, EVC and TC in healthy smokers.
Gale, 2021 human UK dependent investigating whether biomarkers of exposure (BoE) to smoke toxicants are reduced when smokers switch from smoking cigarettes to using the glo THP.
Haziza, 2016b human Poland dependent to demonstrate a reduction in exposure to HPHCs.