Fig. 4.
Transitioning to early flowering in the high-elevation groups. a The Fst values between HG and LG in the genome region (Chr1:69,000–69,800 kb) which includes the FLC gene. b The FLC transcripts in the Kunming (KM) accession and corresponding gene model. The former fifth intron was transcribed (pale blue) and resulted in a new long transcript formed from the fifth to the sixth exons (blue). c Nucleic acid and amino acid sequence alignments of the fifth exon and partial fifth intron of the FLC gene from pennycress as well as A. thaliana and E. salsugineum. The mutations from “GT” to “CT” in the fifth intron are highlighted in red. HG, high-elevation group; MG, middle-elevation group; LG, low-elevation group; EF, early flowering; LF, late flowering