2 rounds (r) × (6 power clean)
2 r × (6 pull-up)
A power clean requires the athlete to catch the bar in the front rack position without reaching the bottom of a squat. |
To complete the pull-up, the subject grips a suspended horizontal bar with both hands and fully extends both arms at the repetition bottom. At the repetition top, the chin should break the uppermost horizontal plane of the bar. A kip of any style may be used. The repetition is counted when the athlete’s chin breaks the top-most horizontal plane of the bar. |
Men: 50 kg |
Women: 35 kg |
2 r × (10 object over shoulder)
2 r × (10 bodyweight squat)
For the object over shoulder, the athlete must pick up the designated object and toss or push it over the shoulder while the athlete reaches full extension of the hips. The athlete may lift the object using any technique. |
The bodyweight squat is a bodyweight movement where, the athlete begins in a standing position with an open hip angle, descends to a full squat, with the creases of both hips below the plane of the top of the knees, and returns to the standing position with hips returning to an open angle. |
Men: 20 kg |
Women: 15 kg |
2 r × (14 wall ball shot)
2 r × (14 power snatch)
The wallball shot is performed with a medicine ball and an elevated target. With the medicine ball in the frontal plane, the athlete must descend to a bottom-of-squat position and then, while ascending, throw the ball so that it makes contact at or above a designated height. Jumping during the repetition is permissible but not required. |
The power snatch requires the athlete to catch the dumbbell overhead with elbows fully extended but without achieving the bottom of a squat during the task. |
Men: 9 kg |
Women: 7 kg |
Men: 20 kg |
Women: 10 kg |
2 r × (18 shoulder to overhead)
2 r × (18 box jump)
Shoulder to overhead movements involve elevating dumbells from a static position at the shoulder to a static position overhead. The athlete may use a single, simultaneous bending of the hips and/or knees to assist in elevating the dumbbells to the top of the repetition. |
The box jump requires the athlete to initiate a jump from the ground with both feet simultaneously, land on top of a designated object (e.g., box) with both feet and demonstrate static control. |
Men: 20 kg |
Women: 10 kg |
Men: 60 cm (23.6 inch) |
Women: 50 cm (19.7 inch) |
2 r × (200 m run) |
2 r × (100 m run) |