a, Ratios of splicing events covering different exons based on RNA-seq data from various germ layer cells. Ep: EpiSC, Ec: Ectoderm, Me: Mesoderm, En: Endoderm. b, The relative expression of pluripotent genes in WT and ΔSL1 cells during neural and EB differentiation. NP: neural progenitor. c, Heatmap of the relative expression of up- or downregulated genes in ΔSL1 cells compared with WT cells during EB differentiation. The enrichment of Gene Ontology (GO) terms and the number of genes in each group are shown. d, Heatmap of the relative expression of marker genes for three germ layers during neural differentiation. Representative markers are listed on the right e, Scatter plot of global miRNA expression based small RNA-seq data in mESCs and neuronal progenitor cells (Day 5).