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. 2021 Jul 8;9:635764. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.635764


Summary of studies using artificial intelligence in IBD etiology.

References Published year Aim of study Type of AI Number of subjects Input variables (number/type) Outcomes
Isakov et al., 2017 2017 Prioritization of IBD risk genes to detect candidate novel IBD-associated genes Four different machine-learning classification models: rf, svmPoly, xgbTree, and glmnet 180 CD, 149 UC, 94 colorectal neoplasms, and 90 normal tissue 309/expression data from both array and RNA-seq data sets, GO, KEGG, and the Pathway Interactions Database terms 67 novel candidate IBD-risk genes
Yuan et al., 2017 2017 Screening for differential expressing genes among different clusters based on an IBD database to identify genes related to IBD SMO 59 CD, 26 UC, and 42 normal samples 12,754/expression levels of 12,754 genes 21 candidate genes related to IBD
Menti et al., 2016 2016 Assessment of the predictive power of three BMLTs as classifiers for EIM in CD patients 3 BMLTs: NB, BART, and BN 152 patients with CD 12/disease characteristics, risk factors, and genetic variables Accuracy: 89% (BN achieved the best performance)
Bottigliengo et al., 2019 2019 Determination of whether BMLT could improve EIM prediction 3 BMLTs: NB, BART, and BN 152 patients with CD 12/disease characteristics, risk factors, and genetic variables Sensitivity: 66.0%, specificity: 69.0% (BART achieved the best performance)
Peng et al., 2015 2015 Prediction of IBD onset and relapse frequency with meteorological data ANN 569 UC and 332 CD patients 5/meteorological data Accuracy in predicting the frequency of IBD relapse (mean square error = 0.009, mean absolute percentage error = 17.1%)

IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; CD, Crohn’s disease; UC, ulcerative colitis; GO, gene ontology; KEGG, Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes; rf, random forest; svmPoly, support vector machine with polynomial kernel; xgbTree, extreme gradient boosting; glmnet, elastic net regularized generalized linear model; SMO, sequential minimal optimization; BMLTs, Bayesian Machine Learning Techniques; EIM, extra-intestinal manifestations; NB, Naïve Bayes; BART: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees; BN, Bayesian Networks; ANN, artificial neural network.