Summary of studies using artificial intelligence in IBD etiology.
References | Published year | Aim of study | Type of AI | Number of subjects | Input variables (number/type) | Outcomes |
Isakov et al., 2017 | 2017 | Prioritization of IBD risk genes to detect candidate novel IBD-associated genes | Four different machine-learning classification models: rf, svmPoly, xgbTree, and glmnet | 180 CD, 149 UC, 94 colorectal neoplasms, and 90 normal tissue | 309/expression data from both array and RNA-seq data sets, GO, KEGG, and the Pathway Interactions Database terms | 67 novel candidate IBD-risk genes |
Yuan et al., 2017 | 2017 | Screening for differential expressing genes among different clusters based on an IBD database to identify genes related to IBD | SMO | 59 CD, 26 UC, and 42 normal samples | 12,754/expression levels of 12,754 genes | 21 candidate genes related to IBD |
Menti et al., 2016 | 2016 | Assessment of the predictive power of three BMLTs as classifiers for EIM in CD patients | 3 BMLTs: NB, BART, and BN | 152 patients with CD | 12/disease characteristics, risk factors, and genetic variables | Accuracy: 89% (BN achieved the best performance) |
Bottigliengo et al., 2019 | 2019 | Determination of whether BMLT could improve EIM prediction | 3 BMLTs: NB, BART, and BN | 152 patients with CD | 12/disease characteristics, risk factors, and genetic variables | Sensitivity: 66.0%, specificity: 69.0% (BART achieved the best performance) |
Peng et al., 2015 | 2015 | Prediction of IBD onset and relapse frequency with meteorological data | ANN | 569 UC and 332 CD patients | 5/meteorological data | Accuracy in predicting the frequency of IBD relapse (mean square error = 0.009, mean absolute percentage error = 17.1%) |
IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; CD, Crohn’s disease; UC, ulcerative colitis; GO, gene ontology; KEGG, Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes; rf, random forest; svmPoly, support vector machine with polynomial kernel; xgbTree, extreme gradient boosting; glmnet, elastic net regularized generalized linear model; SMO, sequential minimal optimization; BMLTs, Bayesian Machine Learning Techniques; EIM, extra-intestinal manifestations; NB, Naïve Bayes; BART: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees; BN, Bayesian Networks; ANN, artificial neural network.