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. 2021 Jul 22;16(7):e0255018. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255018

Table 5. Spearman’s rho correlations between pre- to post-intervention changes in fluid composite score and changes in other outcome variables of interest (N = 20).

Measure Spearman’s rho
Total Body Strength -0.24
 • Lower Body -0.25
 • Upper Body -0.11
Margaria Power 0.21
Body Fat Percentage -0.07
Lean Body Mass 0.03
Fat Mass 0.17
Systolic Blood Pressure 0.11
Diastolic Blood Pressure -0.24
Heart Rate -0.17
Timed Up and Go 0.07
Y-Balance# 0.23
Habitual Gait Speed 0.01
PSQI Score 0.27
ISEL Score 0.01

These correlation analyses were used to explore factors that may influence fluid cognitive enhancement after RT. Raw pre- to post-intervention changes were used. Note that these correlations should be understood in the context of changes. For example, the small positive correlation with Margaria power suggest that greater increases in fluid composite score are associated with greater increases in Margaria power. However, the small negative correlation with total body strength suggest that greater increases in fluid composite score are associated with smaller increases in total body strength.

PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Lower scores indicate better sleep quality, scores ≥ 5 are classified as clinically poor sleep quality.

ISEL = International Support Evaluation List. Higher scores indicate greater social support, up to a maximum of 16.

#Four participants were not able to perform all six reach directions at baseline and/or pre-intervention, so their data were excluded from analyses (N = 16).