A, Mean ± s.e.m. of the Z-scores obtained for the DEGs across the tumoural regions defined in the Ivy GAP website: LE, leading edge; IT, infiltrating tumour; CT, cellular tumour; pnz, perinecrotic zone; pan, pseudopalisading cells around necrosis; hbv, hyperplastic blood vessels; mvp, microvascular proliferation (see ref. [21] for further explanations). *, P< 0.05, Mann-Whitney’s test between the mean values of down- and upregulated genes within each compartment. B, On the left, the same analysis was performed with the proneural and mesenchymal markers defined in Materials and Methods; on the right, the median normalized expression values of these markers in our FFPE samples. *, P< 0.05, Mann-Whitney’s test between the overall expression values of proneural and mesenchymal genes within each sample. ¶, P< 0.05, Mann-Whitney’s test between the overall expression values of mesenchymal genes between the aspirate and the TCR.