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. 2021 Jul 12;15(7):e0009545. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009545

Table 4. Univariate and multivariate analysis of risk factors of Leishmania infection among patients in Amphoe Wiang Kaen District, Chiang Rai, Thailand (n = 130).

Characteristics Outcomes Univariate analysis Multivaraite analysis
Uninfected n (%) Infected n (%) Crude OR 95% CI P-value Adjusted OR 95% CI P-value
 Male 61 (91.04) 6 (8.96) 1.00 1.00
 Female 51 (80.95) 12 (19.05) 2.39 0.84–6.82 0.103 2.56 0.58–11.31 0.215
Age (mean (sd)) 19.40 (10.96) 30.78 (19.59) 1.05 1.02–1.08 <0.001 1.05 1.01–1.10 0.012
 Students 49 (89.09) 6 (10.91) 1.56 0.55–4.44 0.409
 Others 63 (84.00) 12 (16.00) - - -
 Thai 49 (85.96) 8 (14.04) 0.97 0.36–2.65 0.956
 Other 63 (86.30) 10 (13.70) 1.00
Hill tribe
 Lisu 107 (86.29) 17 (13.71) 0.79 0.09–7.22 0.838
 Other 5 (83.33) 1 (16.67) 1.00
History of working aboard (n = 257)
 Yes 35 (97.22) 1 (2.78) 1.13 0.32–3.93 0.850
 No 212 (95.93) 9 (4.07) 1.00
History of working in other provinces (n = 260)
 Yes 183 (96.32) 7 (3.68) 0.66 0.31–1.44 0.302
 No 67 (95.71) 3 (4.29) 1.00
History of sandfly bite (n = 75)
 Yes 1 (100.00) 0 (0.00) 4.46 0.45–44.31 0.202
 No 66 (89.19) 8 (10.81) 1.00
Pig raising
 Yes 12 (80.00) 3 (20.00) 1.67 0.42–6.60 0.467
 No 100 (86.96) 15 (13.04) 1.00
Dog raising
 Yes 21 (91.30) 2 (8.70) 0.54 0.12–2.54 0.437
 No 91 (85.05) 16 (14.95) 1.00
Cat raising
 Yes 19 (95.00) 1 (5.00) 0.29 0.04–2.30 0.240
 No 93 (84.55) 17 (15.45) 1.00
Chicken raising
 Yes 20 (76.92) 6 (23.08) 2.30 0.77–6.86 0.135
 No 92 (88.46) 12 (11.54) 1.00
Duck raising
 Yes 0 (-) 0 (-) 6.88 0.90–52.59 0.063
 No 112 (86.15) 18 (13.85) 1.00
Dark housing
 Yes 59 (88.06) 8 (11.94) 0.72 0.26–1.96 0. 518 0.42 0.08–2.21 0.305
 No 53 (84.13) 10 (15.87) 1.00 1.00
Untidy house
 Yes 38 (88.37) 5 (11.63) 0.75 0.25–2.26 0.608
 No 74 (85.06) 13 (14.94) 1.00
Mammal pet
 Yes 74 (85.06) 13 (14.94) 1.34 0.44–4.02 0.608
 No 38 (88.37) 5 (11.63) 1.00
Soil flooring
 Yes 28 (75.68) 9 (24.32) 3.00 1.08–8.30 0.034 0.31 0.05–1.93 0.208
 No 84 (90.32) 9 (9.68) 1.00 1.00
Having termite mound nearby residential house
 Yes 15 (68.18) 7 (31.82) 4.12 1.38–12.27 0.011 44.10 2.88–676.37 0.007
 No 97 (89.81) 11 (10.19) 1.00 1.00
Having animal enclosures (within 200 meters around the house)
 Yes 43 (74.14) 15 (25.86) 8.02 2.19–29.34 0.002 6.94 1.17–41.01 0.033
 No 69 (95.83) 3 (4.17) 1.00 1.00
Trees with large bark in housing area
 Yes 25 (75.76) 8 (24.24) 2.78 0.99–7.80 0.052
 No 87 (89.69) 10 (10.31) 1.00
Unused small huts in housing area
 Yes 2 (40.00) 3 (60.00) 11.0 1.70–71.28 0.012
 No 110 (88.00) 15 (12.00 1.00
Timbers and logs in housing area
 Yes 37 (80.43) 9 (19.57) 1.29 0.32–5.12 0.722
 No 75 (89.29) 9 (10.71) 1.00
Using repellent
 Yes 44 (91.67 4 (8.33) 1.00 1.00
 No 68 (82.93)) 14 (17.07) 2.26 0.70–7.33 0.172 0.69 0.03–14.41 0.808
Wearing long sleeve shirt
 Yes 76 (92.68) 6 (7.32)) 1.00
 No 36 (75.00) 12 (25.00 4.22 1.47–12.15 0.008
Fog repellent
 Yes 51 (91.07) 5 (8.93)) 1.00 1.00
 No 61 (82.43) 13 (17.57 2.17 0.73–6.51 0.165 0.41 0.13–1.28 0.125
Insect repellent spray on cloth
 Yes 94 (83.93) 18 (16.07) 1.00
 No 18 (100.00) 0 (0.00) - - -
Bed net use
 Yes 80 (89.89) 9 (10.11) 1.00
 No 32 (78.05) 9 (21.95) 2.50 0.91–6.87 0.076
Bed net spray
 Yes 20 (100.00) 0 (0.00) 1.00
 No 92 (83.64) 18 (16.36) - - -
Avoid working at night
 Yes 58 (92.06) 5 (7.94) 1.00
 No 54 (80.60) 13 (19.40) 2.79 0.93–8.36 0.066
Tidy house
 Yes 57 (90.48) 6 (9.52) 1.00 1.00
 No 55 (82.09) 12 (17.91) 2.07 0.73–5.91 0.173 126003.60 0 -. 0.995
Tidy environment
 Yes 57 (90.48) 6 (9.52) 1.00 1.00
 No 55 (82.09) 12 (17.91) 2.07 0.73–5.91 0.173 7.89e-06 0 -. 0.995
Avoid termite mounds
 Yes 48 (97.96) 1 (2.04) 1.00 1.00
 No 64 (79.01) 17 (20.99) 12.75 1.64–99.16 0.015 16.51 1.31–207.64 0.030
Avoid exposure to carrier animals
 Yes 49 (96.08) 2 (3.92) 1.00 1.00
 No 63 (79.75) 16 (20.25) 6.22 1.37–28.36 0.018 11.76 1.00–138.21 0.050