PET (A, B), PET-CT (C, D), and cardiac MRI (E–G) scans of a patient with recent myopericarditis
The figure shows the involvement of pericardium with three different imaging techniques: PET, PET-CT, and MRI, 14 and 21 days after initial symptoms onset. Images A (coronal PET) and C (fused PET-CT images) show increased radiopharmaceutical uptake in the pericardium, and images B (axial PET) and D (PET-CT slices) in lymph node located in left cardiophrenic angle. MRI delayed-enhancement images acquired on the mid-ventricular short-axis (E) and horizontal long axis (F) planes show very high signal in the pericardium correspondence, almost circumferentially affected. A suspected thin underlying epicardial and myocardial involvement can be seen. On T2-weighted imaging with fat suppression on the same plane as in image E (F) presence of hypo intense components can be seen along the epicardial surface suggesting fibrin deposits.