Figure 2. The loss of E2F in muscles has a systemic effect in the development of fat body.
(A) Confocal single plane images of third instar larval fat bodies stained with phalloidin, 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), and mouse anti-Dp antibody (Yun). White arrowheads point to newly formed binucleate cells. (B) Quantification of the percentage of binucleated cells in fat body. Date are presented as mean ± SD, n=415 cells for Mef2>Dp-RNAi, n=405 cells for cg>Dp-RNAi, and n=300 cells for each Mef2>Luc-RNAi and cg>Luc-RNAi, which did not show binucleates. Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparisons test, p<0.0001. Experiment was repeated two times. One representative experiment is shown. (C) Confocal single plane images of third instar larval fat bodies stained with Rad50, phalloidin, and DAPI. Scale: 100 μm. Full genotypes are (A) cg-GAL4;UAS-mCherry-RNAi, cg-GAL4/UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi, Mef2-GAL4/ UAS-luciferase[JF01355]-RNAi, and UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi; Mef2-GAL4, (B) cg-GAL4/UAS-RFP,Dp[GFP], cg-GAL4/Dp[GFP],UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi, UAS-RFP,Dp[GFP];Mef2-GAL4, and Dp[GFP],UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi,Mef2-GAL4, and (C) cg-GAL4,UAS-mRFP;UAS-luciferase[JF01355]-RNAi, cg-GAL4,UAS-mRFP/UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi, Mef2-GAL4/UAS-luciferase[JF01355]-RNAi, and UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi;Mef2-GAL4.