(A–B) Number of viable adults (relative to pupa) fed on different food conditions. Left panel: Increasing levels of protein in food (0.9, 1.96% and 6.3% protein). Right panel: Increasing levels of fat in food (0.04, 0.08, 1.04, 2.5 and 5% lecithin). Data are represented as mean ± SEM, n = 2–4 samples per condition. Experiment was repeated at least three times. (A) cg>mCherry-RNAi and cg>Dp-RNAi, (B) Mef2>mCherry-RNAi and Mef2>Dp-RNAi. (C) Representative images of cg>mCherry-RNAi and cg>Dp-RNAi larvae fed on increasing levels of protein in food (0.9, 1.96% and 6.3% protein). Black arrowheads point to melanotic masses. Scale: 5 mm. (D) Quantification of number of larvae fed showing melanotic masses relative to total number of larvae harvested as in C. Data are represented as mean ± SEM, n=2–5. Three independent experiments were done. (E) Top panel: Confocal single plane images of third instar larval fat bodies stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and BODIPY. The Mef2>mCherry-RNAi and Mef2>Dp-RNAi animals were fed on control diet (7.9% carbohydrate) and supplemented with sugar (16% carbohydrate, high sugar diet). Scale: 40 μm. Bottom panel: Measurement of lipid droplet size in fat body. Data are represented as box and whiskers, min to max showing all points, n = 55–60 images per group in three independent experiments, two-way ANOVA (main effects only) followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, p = 0.08 for variation between genotypes. (F–G) Total whole-body glycogen content normalized to protein content. Third instar larvae (F) cg>mCherry-RNAi and cg>Dp-RNAi (G) Mef2>mCherry-RNAi and Mef2>Dp-RNAi fed on control diet (7.9% carbohydrate, left panel) and high sugar diet (16% carbohydrate, right panel). Data are represented as mean ± SEM, n = 6 per genotype, three independent experiments were done, two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, (F) p = 0.5 and (G) p = 0.9 for variation between genotypes. One representative experiment is shown. (H–I) Quantification of the percentage of binucleated cells in third instar larval fat bodies. (H) cg>mCherry-RNAi and cg>Dp-RNAi (I) Mef2>mCherry-RNAi and Mef2>Dp-RNAi were fed on control diet (7.9% carbohydrate) and high sugar diet (16% carbohydrate). Data are represented as mean ± SD, n>200 cells for Mef2>Dp-RNAi, and cg>Dp-RNAi, and n=200 cells for Mef2>RFP and cg>RFP, which did not show binucleated cells. Full genotypes are (A, C–D, F) cg-GAL4,UAS-mCherry-RNAi, cg-GAL4/UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi (B, E) Mef2-GAL4/UAS-mCherry-RNAi, and UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi,Mef2-GAL4 (H) cg-GAL4/UAS-RFP,Dp[GFP], cg-GAL4/Dp[GFP],UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi, and (I) UAS-RFP,Dp[GFP];Mef2-GAL4, and Dp[GFP],UAS-Dp[GD4444]-RNAi,Mef2-GAL4.