Figure 2. Example single ACC and vlPFC neurons that anticipate information to resolve uncertainty.
(A-B) A single ACC neuron anticipates information to resolve punishment uncertainty. (A) Activity is shown separately for the informative and non-informative blocks (top, bottom), for punishment and reward trials (left, right), and for certain vs. uncertain outcomes (colored rasters and spike density functions). Shaded area is SEM. After informative cues, activity is split into trials when outcomes were going to be delivered or omitted (red, magenta). (B) Information Anticipation Index displayed in time. During punishment trials, the uncertainty signal increases in anticipation of the informative cue that will resolve the monkey’s uncertainty (red), but not in anticipation of non-informative cues (blue). The Information Anticipation Index is quantified as the difference between uncertainty signals before onset of informative vs. non-informative Cue2s (Methods). (C-D) A single vlPFC neuron anticipates information to resolve uncertainty about both punishments and rewards. Same format as A-B.