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. 2021 Apr 26;39(8):913–927. doi: 10.1007/s40273-021-01026-5

Table 1.

Unit costs

Parameter Used in within-trial analysis or model Mean (standard error) Distribution used in model Reference (mean) Reference (standard error)
Ranibizumab injection Both £551.00 N/A BNF 2019 [5] N/A
Aflibercept injection Both £816.00 N/A BNF 2019 [6] N/A
Bevacizumab injection Both £28.00 N/A Judicial review (2018) [10] N/A
Central subfield thickness examination Both £108.21 (£1.70) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes BZ87A

Quartile data of the NHS codes

Department of Health (2017) [41]

First visit to ophthalmologist Both £140.04 (£9.91) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes WF02B

Follow-up visit to ophthalmologist Both £105.19 (£4.88) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes WF02A

Optical coherence tomography Within-trial £116.23 N/A

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes BZ89A

Colour fundus photograph Within-trial £108.21 N/A

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes BZ87A

Fundus fluorescein angiograph Within-trial £108.21 N/A

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes BZ87A

Accident and emergency visit Both £160.23 (£9.34) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

Weighted average for NHS codes VB01Z to VB11Z

Quartile data of the NHS codes (weighted)

Department of Health (2017) [41]

Ocular accident and emergency visit Both £118.02 (£2.67) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes WF01B

Eye consultant visit Both £95.13 (£1.85) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes WF01A

Ophthalmologist call Both £28.20 (£4) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes WF01D

Optometrist/optician visit Both £76.50 (£10.5) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [26]

NHS codes WF01B

Low vision appointment visit Both £153.00 N/A Estimated to be double the visit cost of an optometrist/optician to reflect additional complexity (on clinician advice)
General practitioner visit Both £37.40 (£3.74) Gamma Curtis and Burns (2018) [25] 10% assumption around the mean
Practice nurse visit Both £17.79 (£1.78) Gamma
General practitioner call Both £28.00 (£2.8) Gamma
Community care (annual) Model £10,060.95 (£1006.10) Gamma Curtis and Burns (2018) [25] 10% assumption around mean
Hip replacement (annual) Model £4170.00 (£417.00) Gamma

NHS Improvement (2018) [24]

Code HT14C

10% assumption around mean
Low vision aids (one-off) Both £194.41 (£19.44) Gamma Meads (2003), Curtis and Burns (2018) 10% assumption around mean
Low vision rehabilitation (one-off) Model £153 Gamma Estimated to be double the visit cost of an optometrist/optician
Residential care (annual) Model £6000.80 (£600.08) Gamma Curtis and Burns (2018) [25] 10% assumption around mean
Treatment for depression (annual) Model £2430.58 (£243.06) Gamma NICE, 2017 (TA460) [42] 10% assumption around mean
Blindness registration (one-off) Both £60.50 (£6.05) Gamma Curtis and Burns (2018) [25] 10% assumption around mean
Adverse event Model £317.96 (£28.62) Gamma NHS Improvement (2018) [26] Weighted variance from NHS reference costs

BNF British National Formulary, N/A not applicable, NHS National Health Service, NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence