Figure 5.
(A,B) Simulated dynamics of pERK, pRSK, p-p38 MAPK, PKAc, pCREB1, pCREB2p38, NT, TBL and TGF-β levels after one or two 5-min pulses of 5-HT with ISI of 45 min, without block of TrkB (A), or with block of TrkB applied during both pulses of 5-HT (B). (A) Black solid curves, simulations after two pulses of 5-HT. Green curves, simulations after one pulse of 5-HT. Red arrows in A1 and A4 represent the overlapped increases of pERK and PKAc after two pulses of 5-HT. (B) Blue curves, simulations after two pulses with inhibitors; black dashed curves, control simulations without inhibitors, same as black solid curves in A. Numbers “1”, “2”, and “3” in A2, A5, A8, B2, B5, and B8 represent the waves or late shoulders of increase. Numbers “1”, and “2” in A3, A6, B3, and B6 represent the waves of decrease. (C) Empirical validation that TrkB Fc applied during both pulses of 5-HT suppressed the increase of pERK at 1 h post-onset of second pulse of 5-HT (n = 7). Data are represented as mean ± SEM. All scale bars are 40 μm. * p < 0.05.