Figure 6.
Measurement of the PSMA-EV levels in serum of PC patients. The PSMA-EV levels in serum was determined after purification of EVs from serum by Tim4. Patients with therapy-naïve PC and CRPC were analyzed. Comparisons were made between non-metastatic (n = 55) and metastatic patients (n = 11) (a) and among organ-confined PC patients (≤ T2, n = 39), locally-advanced PC patients without metastasis (≥ T3, n = 16) and CRPC patients (n = 16) (b). Data are shown in the 'box and whiskers' graph with interquartile range (IQR: box), median (thick vertical line in the box) and 1.5 IQR (whiskers). x denotes outliers.