Figure 6.
Summary of Spi1 over-expression genes that were significantly enriched in the IGAP dataset. (A) Volcano plot of the Spi1 over-expression gene expression changes relative to the empty vector control, highlighting the p ≤ 1 × 10−6 threshold that was shown to be significantly enriched by MAGMA analysis in the IGAP dataset (MAGMA’s empirical multiple testing corrected p value 0.035). The adjusted p value for this gene set was 0.0033 and an enrichment effect size of 0.51. (B) Bubble plot of the genes from the Spi1 over expression dataset that were enriched for AD genetic risk via MAGMA comparison to the human IGAP database, against the Benjamini–Hochberg adjusted p values from the Spi1 over-expression RNA-sequencing data with the fold-change shown in colour. The vertical black line indicates the p value threshold of 0.05. Figure (A) was made in GraphPad PRISM 6 (version 3.07) and (B) using the ‘tidyverse’37 and ‘ggpubr’38 packages in in RStudio39,40.