Trajectories of (A) NK/asthmaAltman, NKactivated, NKresting, and CD8EM gene signature scores (z-scores), and (B)
TLR7, IRF7, and STAT1 log2-transformed normalized gene expression (NGE), and interferon-stimulated genes (ISG) signature score (z-scores) in whole blood transcriptomes of HDM-PARC participants obtained at pre- and post-exposure (Exp) 1 and post-Exp 4 of ACC-I stratified by CD8hi and CD8lo, and HDM-PARC phenotypes (resilient [R], adaptive [A], maladaptive [M]). (top) schema representing genes involved in the human rhinovirus (HRV) pathway. P, for an overall difference between groups (CD8lo vs. CD8hi, M vs. R, or M vs. A). Hi, higher; Lo, lower. Methods for deriving significance values in Supplement.