Restriction enzyme-based |
Type IIS restriction enzyme (BsaI) modular assembly |
Mix-and-match assembly of variant gene fragments via BsaI digestion and DNA ligation, similar to Golden Gate cloning. Limited to small library sizes. |
100% |
n.a. |
(Popova et al., 2015; Quaglia et al., 2017) |
VersaTile |
Mix-and-match assembly of protein modules, based on Golden Gate assembly. |
95% |
n.a. |
(Gerstmans et al., 2020) |
Ligation-based |
Darwin assembly |
Mutations encoded by oligonucleotides are incorporated by DNA polymerase and ligase activities. Method has high efficiency for multiple mutation sites. |
98–100% |
100% |
(Cozens and Pinheiro, 2018) |
ProxiMax |
Ligation of defined codons to build a library without codon bias. Requires trimer oligonucleotides, robust and controllable but becomes challenging for multiple mutation sites. |
NR |
100% |
(Ashraf et al., 2013) |
PCR-based |
QuikChange (and variations thereof) |
Mutations introduced by a primer pair during inverse PCR. Limited to mutation of one position. |
84% |
55% |
(Mao et al., 2011; Xia et al., 2015) |
Overlap extension PCR (OE-PCR) |
A gene fragment is amplified by PCR (with primers adding both mutations and homologous termini), then the full-length sequence is assembled by overlap extension PCR. Method is robust and reliable, though cumbersome for multiple mutation sites. |
>90% |
100% |
(An et al., 2005; Bryksin and Matsumura, 2010; Cheng et al., 2017; Heckman and Pease, 2007; Hussain and Chong, 2016; Wäneskog and Bjerling, 2014; Wei et al., 2012; Williams et al., 2014; Xiao and Pei, 2011) |
Asymmetric PCR |
A single-stranded gene fragment is amplified by asymmetric PCR using mutagenic primers, which is then used as a megaprimer to introduce mutations into full sequence. Method is robust and reliable, though cumbersome for multiple mutation sites. |
91–100% |
100% |
(Bi et al., 2012; Sadler et al., 2018) |
SpeedyGenes |
Gene synthesis method, encoding mutations using the overlapping oligonucleotide primers that assemble the gene library de novo. Many combinatorial mutations can be efficiently assembled, though efficiency drops for large genes. |
76–90% |
100% |
(Currin et al., 2017, Currin et al., 2014) |