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. 2021 Jul 22;26(29):2001600. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.29.2001600

Figure 4.

Respiratory syncytial virus percentage positive (3-week moving average) among patients enrolled in facility-based surveillance, South Africa, 2013–2019 (mean) and weeks 1–41 2020

COVID-19: coronavirus disease: ILI: influenza-like illness; SRI: severe respiratory infection.

The blue vertical line (week 12) indicates the start of COVID-19 control measures in 2020, when domestic and international travel restrictions and school closures were implemented. The subsequent control measure levels comprised the following restrictions:

Level 5: international and local travel restrictions, closure of all non-essential businesses and schools, and country-wide stay-at-home orders.

Level 4: partial re-opening of selected businesses.

Level 3: additional re-opening of selected businesses and partial re-opening of schools.

Level 2: schools fully re-opened and interprovincial travel ban lifted.

Level 1: full reopening of businesses and progressive resumption of international travel.

Figure 4