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. 2021 Jul 12;11(7):2078. doi: 10.3390/ani11072078

Table 6.

Results from linear models investigating the association of O. ostertagi, F. hepatica and D. viviparus BTM ELISA results and average annual milk yield per cow (kg) in three regions of Germany. Full models were significantly different from null models containing only an intercept term (North: Df = 13, F = 8.5, p < 0.001; East: Df = 11, F = 20.1, p < 0.001; South: Df = 18, F = 8.8, p < 0.001). Significant p-values are printed in bold. Seropositivity categories are defined as follows: O. ostertagi: +: ODR ≥ 0.5, ++: ODR ≥ 0.8; F. hepatica: +: 30% < S/P ≤ 80%, ++: 80% < S/P < 150%, +++: S/P ≥ 150%; D. viviparus: +: ODR ≥ 0.41.

North (N = 192) East (N = 193) a South (N = 207) b
Variable Est. SE t p Est. SE t p Est. SE t p
Intercept 6441.89 1985.87 3.24 0.001 −167.19 2605.5 −0.06 0.949 9611.54 1590.34 6.0 <0.001
O. ostertagi + −153.97 196.78 −0.78 0.435 −195.30 193.75 −1.01 0.315 −219.67 188.72 −1.16 0.246
O. ostertagi ++ −40.11 312.66 −0.13 0.898 −832.74 326.22 −2.55 0.012 −403.61 346.48 −1.17 0.246
F. hepatica + −1157.71 372.17 −3.11 0.002 1416.02 1106.52 1.28 0.202 132.62 469.94 0.28 0.778
F. hepatica ++ −1335.25 445.64 −3.00 0.003 - - - - −273.37 316.56 −0.86 0.389
F. hepatica +++ −1129.20 376.19 −3.00 0.003 - - - - 985.30 355.25 2.77 0.006
D. viviparus + 159.61 430.40 0.37 0.711 724.11 509.20 1.42 0.157 - - - -
Breed type (DP vs. HD) −2236.55 855.00 −2.62 0.010 −1576.49 785.00 −2.01 0.046 −1259.64 293.53 −4.29 <0.001
Breed type (Mix vs. HD) 721.34 861.16 0.84 0.403 −1015.21 357.5 −2.84 0.005 −1399.50 370.78 −3.77 <0.001
Lactation no. 2723.21 1330.63 2.05 0.042 7844.89 1847.15 4.25 <0.001 −289.28 1037.87 −0.28 0.781
Lactation no. (squared) −504.38 225.54 −2.24 0.027 −1458.48 328.97 −4.43 <0.001 52.26 166.83 0.31 0.754
SCC (×1000/mL) −4.27 1.06 −4.01 <0.001 −2.63 0.90 −2.93 0.004 −2.77 0.85 −3.26 0.001
No. of animals 3.92 1.71 2.29 0.023 0.59 0.23 2.50 0.013 7.95 2.57 3.10 0.002
farm type (ORG vs. CON) −1522.86 522.11 −2.92 0.004 −2446.93 343.01 −7.13 <0.001 −1685.37 266.41 −6.33 <0.001
farm type (TRA vs. CON) - - - - - - - - −245.64 399.71 −0.62 0.540
Breed (DP)/F. hepatica + - - - - - - - - 759.10 648.05 1.17 0.243
Breed (Mix)/F. hepatica + - - - - - - - - 498.60 868.11 0.57 0.566
Breed (DP)/F. hepatica ++ - - - - - - - - −2.10 692.58 −0.00 0.998
Breed (Mix)/F. hepatica ++ - - - - - - - - - - - -
Breed (DP)/F. hepatica +++ - - - - - - - - 1430.93 685.62 2.09 0.038
Breed (Mix)/F. hepatica +++ - - - - - - - - 2050.29 1128.19 1.82 0.071

a Three outliers were excluded, these were the three smallest herds in the northeastern region. b One outlier was excluded, this was the largest herd in the Bavarian dataset. Abbreviations: CON, conventional; Est., estimate; DP, dual-purpose; HD, high-performance dairy; ORG, organic; SCC, somatic cell count; SE, standard error; TRA, in transition from conventional to organic.