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. 2021 Jul 12;11(7):2078. doi: 10.3390/ani11072078

Table 7.

Results from linear models investigating the association of O. ostertagi, F. hepatica and D. viviparus BTM ELISA results and average milk protein content (%) in three regions of Germany. Full models were significantly different from null models containing only an intercept term (North: Df = 12, F = 2.3, p = 0.009; East: Df = 14, F = 2.7, p = 0.001; South: Df = 15, F = 6.0, p < 0.001). Significant p-values are printed in bold. Seropositivity categories are defined as follows: O. ostertagi: +: ODR ≥ 0.5, ++: ODR ≥ 0.8; F. hepatica: +: 30% < S/P ≤ 80%, ++: 80% < S/P < 150%, +++: S/P ≥ 150%; D. viviparus: +: ODR ≥ 0.41.

North (N = 192) East (N = 195) a South (N = 208)
Variable Est. SE t p Est. SE t p Est. SE t p
Intercept 3.58 0.15 24.03 <0.001 3.78 0.22 17.11 <0.001 4.08 0.25 16.58 <0.001
O. ostertagi + −0.01 0.01 −0.87 0.388 0.01 0.02 0.43 0.666 4.36 × 10−3 0.02 0.21 0.831
O. ostertagi ++ 2.81 × 10−3 0.02 0.12 0.902 0.01 0.03 0.22 0.823 0.01 0.04 0.18 0.861
F. hepatica + 0.02 0.03 0.56 0.575 −0.01 0.09 −0.10 0.921 0.01 0.03 0.29 0.774
F. hepatica ++ 0.10 0.03 3.17 0.002 - - - - −0.05 0.03 −1.71 0.089
F. hepatica +++ 2.79 × 10−3 0.03 0.10 0.921 0.01 0.07 0.19 0.854 −0.05 0.04 −1.30 0.196
D. viviparus + −2.29 × 10−3 0.03 −0.07 0.943 0.06 0.04 1.29 0.199 - - - -
Breed type (DP vs. HD) 0.02 0.06 0.36 0.718 3.98 1.57 2.54 0.012 −0.66 0.17 −3.91 <0.001
Breed type (Mix vs. HD) −0.11 0.06 −1.78 0.077 −0.26 0.13 −2.00 0.047 −0.66 0.20 −3.25 0.001
Lactation no. −0.12 0.10 −1.24 0.217 −0.21 0.16 −1.28 0.202 −0.11 0.11 −1.02 0.308
Lactation no. (squared) 0.02 0.02 1.08 0.281 0.04 0.03 1.22 0.223 0.01 0.02 0.73 0.464
SCC (×1000/mL) 1.30 × 10−4 7.96 × 10−5 1.63 0.105 6.55 × 10−5 7.78 × 10−5 0.84 0.401 3.91 × 10−4 9.78 × 10−5 3.99 <0.001
Farm type (ORG vs. CON) −0.10 0.04 −2.45 0.015 −0.10 0.03 −3.15 0.002 −0.10 0.03 −2.99 0.003
Farm type (TRA vs. CON) - - - - - - - - −0.08 0.04 −1.75 0.082
Milk yield (kg) - - - - −1.00 × 10−5 6.12 × 10−6 −1.64 0.104 4.40 × 10−5 1.92 × 10−5 −2.30 0.023
Breed type (DP)/Milk yield - - - - −4.52 × 10−4 1.86 × 10−4 −2.43 0.016 7.52 × 10−5 2.02 × 10−5 3.72 <0.001
Breed type (Mix)/Milk yield - - - - 3.04 × 10−5 1.69 × 10−5 1.80 0.074 7.05 × 10−5 2.59 × 10−5 2.72 0.007

a One outlier was excluded. Abbreviations: CON, conventional; Est., estimate; DP, dual-purpose; HD, high-performance dairy; ORG, organic; SCC, somatic cell count; SE, standard error; TRA, in transition from conventional to organic.