Table 3.
Definitions of behaviors which achieved a 70% consensus rate for validity and/or practicality in Delphi Survey 1 and progressed to Delphi Survey 2. The valence of affective state represents the majority response by the participants across all families. The taxa to which the behavior is applicable is derived from the results of Delphi Survey 1 and represents the options for ranking presented in Delphi Survey 2.
Descriptor | Definition | Valence of Affective State | Applicable Taxa |
Body Condition Score | A visual assessment of the amount of fat and muscle covering the bones of the animal | Not asked | Agamidae, Pythonidae |
Body Inflation | Intentional, and often repetitive, body inflation and deflation | Negative | Agamidae, Pythonidae |
Calmly Smelling/Tasting Objects or Air |
Flicks tongue, capturing particles in the air | Positive | Agamidae, Pythonidae |
Caudal Luring/Tail Wagging | Animal vibrates tail rapidly, moving back and forth on the same plane | Positive | Pythonidae |
Circling | Animal pacing around the perimeter of objects or cage mates | Negative | Agamidae |
Cloacal Excretion | Defecation and/or urination when handled | Negative | Chelidae |
Clutching | Animals gripping at various intensities on handler or object | Not applicable | Agamidae, Pythonidae |
Co-Occupant Aggression | Defensive or aggressive biting, chasing, or ramming | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Deformities | Malformation of the body | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Dehydration | Visible indicators of dehydration | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae |
Flattened Body Posture | Flattening body against surfaces | Neutral | Agamidae |
Hissing | Sound caused by expelling air from the glottic making a small cartilage piece inside the glottis vibrate | Negative | Pythonidae |
Hyperactivity | Abnormally high levels of physical activity for the species (often associated with ITB) | Negative | Agamidae, Pythonidae |
Hypoactivity | Abnormally low levels of physical activity for the species | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Interaction with Transparent Boundaries (ITB) | Persistent attempts to push against, crawl up, dig under/around transparent barriers of the enclosures | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Lameness | An abnormal gait/stance of an animal in an attempt to reduce pain. Assumed to relate to ‘slithering’ ability in pythons | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
‘Normal’ Skin Quality | Skin in good health, with absence of abnormal texture, pigmentation, etc. indicative of active disease process or physiological response to stress | Positive | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
‘Normal’ Species-Specific Feeding | Feeding habits as usual for the species | Positive | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
‘Normal’ Species-Specific Respiration | Normal respiratory rate, absence of abnormal respiratory noises or excessive respiratory effort (e.g., heaving, gasping) | Positive | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Ocular and Nasal Discharge | A clear or yellow/white discharge from the eyes and/or nostrils | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Physical Damage | Damage to the body not necessarily resulting in broken skin, for example grazes and other lesions | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Position of Body | The way and manner the reptile has placed their body in an enclosure. If favouring a side or a limb, this may indicate a sign of discomfort | Neutral | Agamidae |
Physical Quiescence | Unremarkable species-specific activity, e.g., free from apprehension and fear activities | Neutral | Agamidae, Testudinidae |
Rapid Body Movement | Abnormal jerking, locomotion, or jumping | Negative | Agamidae, Pythonidae |
‘Relaxed’ Breathing | Unremarkable breathing habits for the species | Positive | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Shell Drop | Female drops the edge of the shell on the ground during pushing, hooking, or cloacal probing by the male |
Neutral | Testudinidae |
Shell Lift | Female presents the cloacal area to view, to olfact, or for penile insertion, by extending the hind limbs and thereby lifting the posterior part of the shell | Positive | Testudinidae |
Species-Specific ‘Relaxed’ Body Movements and Locomotion | Species-specific environmental exploration | Positive | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Species-Specific Interest and Alertness | Species-specific ‘relaxed’ interest/awareness in proximate or novel objects, ‘relaxed’ visual/olfactory explorations | Positive | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Subtle Changes in Body Posture and Orientation |
Stretching out of limbs while basking, relaxed adoption of body angles, and using furnishings | Positive | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |
Swaying (Head Bob) | Horizontal movement of the head and neck | Neutral | Agamidae |
Tapping | Repeatedly lifting the shells and tapping against a co-occupant’s shell | Neutral | Testudinidae |
Tilting | Turn on their side | Negative | Agamidae, Pythonidae |
Trailing | One animal follows another, typically the male following the female | Positive | Agamidae, Testudinidae |
Waving | Animal lifts its forelimbs; feet lateral to its head | Positive | Agamidae, |
Wounds | An injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, bite, or other form of impact. Typically resulting in broken skin | Negative | Agamidae, Chelidae, Pythonidae, Testudinidae |